
A fast RPC system

Primary LanguageJava

Sharpc: A fast rpc mechanism.

How to run on localhost (intellij)

If you just want to run it on localhost, There is a ExampleMain class which starts a client and server on localhost. If you are running through intellij, then make sure you add a vm argument by clicking "edit configuration" for log4j config file path (edit the path appropriately)


How to run client and server on remote machines

First compile the code

mvn package

Copy all the jars to a remote locations (both client and server machines)

scp -r target/dependency-jars/

Run the server (on the server machine)

sharath.g@stage-fdpingestion-none-1060693:~/sharpc$ java -cp  '/home/sharath.g/sharpc/:/home/sharath.g/sharpc/*' sha.example.ExampleServer 19838

started listening on port 19838

On the client machine:

[sharath.g@stage-fdpingestion-none-1064365 /home/sharath.g]$ /usr/lib/jvm/j2sdk1.8-oracle/jre/bin/java -cp  '/home/sharath.g/sharpc/:/home/sharath.g/sharpc/*' sha.example.ExampleClient 19838
client finished connect
 req_per_sec: 3,660,046   total_requests:7,320,611
 req_per_sec: 4,481,395   total_requests:16,324,212
 req_per_sec: 4,598,689   total_requests:25,523,818
 req_per_sec: 4,684,805   total_requests:34,894,995
 req_per_sec: 4,641,582   total_requests:44,179,862