A Hardhat plugin that runs a ZeroDev mock server.
Sometimes you want to test you Dapps locally. To do that, ZeroDev provides a mock server to mimick a live paymaster on your local machine. This plugin automatically starts the mock server whenever you run npx hardhat node
or hh node
without the need for additional setup.
npm install @zerodevapp/hardhat "@nomiclabs/hardhat-ethers@^2.0.0" "ethers@^5.0.0"
Import the plugin in your hardhat.config.js
Or if you are using TypeScript, in your hardhat.config.ts
import "@zerodevapp/hardhat";
This plugin overrides the node
$ npx hardhat node
EntryPoint deployed at 0xb81e8725d8Ede34A906Db901ED15cd41944ba6Ae
VerifyingPaymaster deployed at 0x07225f1742C63Df795f9E2B4a5045e05D8D0A727
WalletFactory deployed at 0x7Ce1DA5188067d08a0b4343cF1f97d7cC6097318
ZeroDev mock server listening at
Started HTTP and WebSocket JSON-RPC server at
This plugin exports a new environment variable under hre.zeroMockUrl
which indicates the URL for the mock server. It's usually something like
Configure your ZeroDev SDK to use the mock server:
import * as zd from "zerodev-sdk";
const wallet = await zd.getSigner(
projectId: "zerodev project id here",
identity: "google",
token: token,
// your local ethereum network rpc:
rpcUrl: "",
// the mock server provides the following two:
backendUrl: "",
paymasterUrl: "",
// the same as the backendUrl with /rpc appended:
bundlerUrl: "",
// addresses where your contracts are deployed to:
contractAddresses: {
entrypoint: "0xb81e8725d8Ede34A906Db901ED15cd41944ba6Ae",
paymaster: "0x07225f1742C63Df795f9E2B4a5045e05D8D0A727",
walletFactory: "0x7Ce1DA5188067d08a0b4343cF1f97d7cC6097318",
The values provided above should work for you by default if you haven't changed any configuration.
Note: It's currently not possible to configure rate limites or other project dashboard features. The mock server will simply sign everything it receives.