Coding Test By Aung Thu Moe (

1. Project Structure

This project contains 2 main folders: api and web. api folder contains the backend API and web folder contains the frontend web application.

1.1. API

The API is built with NestJS framework using Typescript. It is a simple API that has 3 main endpoints (CRUD) and open API documentation.

  • API Documentation: http://localhost:4000/api-docs
  • Endpoints:
    • GET /products: Get all products
    • POST /products: Create a new product
    • GET /products/:sku: Get a product by SKU
    • PUT /products/:sku: Update a product by SKU
    • DELETE /products/:sku: Delete a product by SKU
    • GET /discounts: Get all discounts
    • POST /discounts: Create a new discount
    • GET /discounts/:key: Get a discount by Key
    • DELETE /discounts/:key: Delete a discount by Key
    • POST /rules: This route is used to apply discount rules to the cart. It accepts a list of products in array format of SKU. It return the discounted price of the cart.

1.2. Web

The web application is built with ReactJS using NextJS and Typescript. It is a simple web application that has 2 main pages: Home and Products. Home page is the landing page and can add products to the cart. Products page is the page to manage products.

2. How to run

2.1. Prerequisites

  • NodeJS v18.0.0
  • Docker v20.10.8
  • Docker Compose v1.29.2

2.2. Run the project

  • Clone the project from Github
  • Go to the project root directory
  • Run docker-compose up -d to start the database
  • Go to api folder and run npm install to install dependencies
  • run cp .env.example .env and update the environment variables
  • Generate and apply migrations for local development $ npx prisma migrate dev
  • Populate the database with seed data $ npx prisma db seed
  • Run npm run start:dev to start the API
  • Open the browser and go to http://localhost:4000/api-docs to see the API documentation
  • run npm run test to run all the tests
  • Go to web folder and run npm install to install dependencies
  • run cp .env.example .env and update the environment variables
  • Run npm run dev to start the web application
  • Open the browser and go to http://localhost:3000 to see the web application


  • This project is not production ready. It is just a simple project to demonstrate my coding skills within a short period of time.