
A general-purpose parser for formatted data output.

Primary LanguagePython


A general-purpose parser for formatted data output.


Very frustratingly, some codes do not provide easy access to results in binary format. Instead, you have to write yet another plain text parser. Parsec tries to solve this problem by generalizing the process of parsing a formatted output file. The user just has to create a dictionary defining the structure of his/her formatted output. The format dictionary is a nested dictionary of regular expressions which define section start tokens. The leaves of this tree data structure are function objects which are called when the line is processed. Because the logic of parsing is separated from the structure of the formatted output, this should make it easier to write formatted text parsers in da future.


A test script which parses test/meshtal is provided in test/parsemeshta.py. From the root directory of parsec run the test parser as a module

python -m test.parse_meshtal

Note that all that the user has to do to produce this output is create a dictionary _format in test/parse_meshtal.py

_format = {
        re.compile(r'^(mcnp\s+version)') : version_number,
        re.compile(r' Mesh Tally Number\s+(\d{1,8})') : {
            re.compile(r'^\s+(\w) direction') : extents,
            re.compile(r'^\s+(X\s+Y\s+Z\s+Result\s+Rel Error)') : named,
        re.compile(r'made_up') : 's',

, define the leaf node functions, and call

parsec(inputfile, _format)

The formatted data

 Mesh Tally Number       314
 This is a neutron mesh tally.

 Tally bin boundaries:
    X direction:    -10.71     10.71
    Y direction:    -10.71     10.71
    Z direction:   -183.00    183.00
    Energy bin boundaries: 0.00E+00 1.00E+36

        X         Y         Z     Result     Rel Error
      0.000     0.000     0.000 0.00000E+00 0.00000E+00

 Mesh Tally Number       324
 This is a neutron mesh tally.

 Tally bin boundaries:
    X direction:     53.55     74.97
    Y direction:     32.13     53.55
    Z direction:   -183.00    183.00
    Energy bin boundaries: 0.00E+00 1.00E+36

        X         Y         Z     Result     Rel Error
     64.260    42.840     0.000 0.00000E+00 0.00000E+00

is converted to an in-memory representation

{'314': {'X': {u'max': '10.71', u'min': '-10.71'},
         'X         Y         Z     Result     Rel Error': {u'RelError': '0.00000E+00',
                                                            u'Result': '0.00000E+00',
                                                            u'X': '0.000',
                                                            u'Y': '0.000',
                                                            u'Z': '0.000'},
         'Y': {u'max': '10.71', u'min': '-10.71'},
         'Z': {u'max': '183.00', u'min': '-183.00'}},
 '324': {'X': {u'max': '74.97', u'min': '53.55'},
         'X         Y         Z     Result     Rel Error': {u'RelError': '0.00000E+00',
                                                            u'Result': '0.00000E+00',
                                                            u'X': '64.260',
                                                            u'Y': '42.840',
                                                            u'Z': '0.000'},
         'Y': {u'max': '53.55', u'min': '32.13'},
         'Z': {u'max': '183.00', u'min': '-183.00'}},