
**f(model)** - Functional and Reactive domain modeling with Kotlin

Primary LanguageKotlinOtherNOASSERTION

f(model) - Functional and Reactive Domain Modeling

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When you’re developing an information system to automate the activities of the business, you are modeling the business. The abstractions that you design, the behaviors that you implement, and the UI interactions that you build all reflect the business — together, they constitute the model of the domain.

Going with the Flow, Iterable is no more

This is main branch, a home of version 2. It is a reactive version of libraries, optimized for streaming.

The v1 branch does not depend on Kotlin coroutines or Flow within the domain model.

IOR<Library, Inspiration>

This project can be used as a library, or as an inspiration, or both. It provides just enough tactical Domain-Driven Design patterns, optimised for Event Sourcing and CQRS.

  • The domain model library is fully isolated from the application layer and API-related concerns. It represents a pure declaration of the program logic. It is written in Kotlin programming language, without additional dependencies. Maven Central - domain
  • The application library orchestrates the execution of the logic by loading state, executing domain components and storing new state. It is written in Kotlin programming language, with Arrow as additional dependency. Maven Central - application

Table of Contents

Abstraction and generalization

Abstractions can hide irrelevant details and use names to reference objects. It emphasizes what an object is or does rather than how it is represented or how it works.

Generalization reduces complexity by replacing multiple entities which perform similar functions with a single construct.

Abstraction and generalization are often used together. Abstracts are generalized through parameterization to provide more excellent utility.

decide: (C, S) -> Flow<E>

On a higher level of abstraction, any information system is responsible for handling the intent (Command) and based on the current State, produce new facts (Events):

  • given the current State/S on the input,
  • when Command/C is handled on the input,
  • expect flow of new Events/E to be published/emitted on the output

evolve: (S, E) -> S

The new state is always evolved out of the current state S and the current event E:

  • given the current State/S on the input,
  • when Event/E is handled on the input,
  • expect new State/S to be published on the output

Event-sourced or State-stored systems

  • State-stored systems are traditional systems that are only storing the current State by overwriting the previous State in the storage.
  • Event-sourced systems are storing the events in immutable storage by only appending.

A statement:

Both types of systems can be designed by using only these two functions and three generic parameters:

  • decide: (C, S) -> Flow<E>
  • evolve: (S, E) -> S

event sourced vs state stored

There is more to it! You can switch from one system type to another or have both flavors included within your systems landscape.

A proof:

We can fold/recreate the new state out of the flow of events by using evolve function (S, E) -> S and providing the initialState of type S as a starting point.

  • Flow<E>.fold(initialState: S, ((S, E) -> S)): S

Essentially, this fold is a function that is mapping a flow of Events to the State:

  • (Flow<E>) -> S

We can now use this function (Flow<E>) -> S to:

  • contra-map our decide function ((C, S) -> Flow<E>) over S type to: (C, Flow<E>) -> Flow<E> - ** this is an event-sourced system**
  • or to map our decide function ((C, S) -> Flow<E>) over E type to: (C, S) -> S - this is a state-stored system

We can verify that we can design any information system (event-sourced or/and state-stored) in this way by using these two functions wrapped in a datatype class (algebraic data structure), which is generalized with three generic parameters:

data class Decider<C, S, E>(
    val decide: (C, S) -> Flow<E>,
    val evolve: suspend (S, E) -> S,

Decider is the most important datatype, but it is not the only one. There are others:

onion architecture image


_Decider is a datatype that represents the main decision-making algorithm. It belongs to the Domain layer. It has five generic parameters C, Si, So, Ei, Eo , representing the type of the values that _Decider may contain or use. _Decider can be specialized for any type C or Si or So or Ei or Eo because these types do not affect its behavior. _Decider behaves the same for C=Int or C=YourCustomType, for example.

_Decider is a pure domain component.

  • C - Command
  • Si - input State
  • So - output State
  • Ei - input Event
  • Eo - output Event

We make a difference between input and output types, and we are more general in this case. We can always specialize down to the 3 generic parameters: typealias Decider<C, S, E> = _Decider<C, S, S, E, E>

data class _Decider<C, Si, So, Ei, Eo>(
    val decide: (C, Si) -> Flow<Eo>,
    val evolve: suspend (Si, Ei) -> So,
    val initialState: So

typealias Decider<C, S, E> = _Decider<C, S, S, E, E>

Additionally, initialState of the Decider is introduced to gain more control over the initial state of the Decider.

decider image

Decider extensions and functions


  • Decider<C, Si, So, Ei, Eo>.mapLeftOnCommand(f: (Cn) -> C): Decider<Cn, Si, So, Ei, Eo>

Profunctor (Contravariant and Covariant)

  • Decider<C, Si, So, Ei, Eo>.dimapOnEvent( fl: (Ein) -> Ei, fr: (Eo) -> Eon ): Decider<C, Si, So, Ein, Eon>
  • Decider<C, Si, So, Ei, Eo>.mapLeftOnEvent(f: (Ein) -> Ei): Decider<C, Si, So, Ein, Eo>
  • Decider<C, Si, So, Ei, Eo>.mapOnEvent(f: (Eo) -> Eon): Decider<C, Si, So, Ei, Eon>
  • Decider<C, Si, So, Ei, Eo>.dimapOnState( fl: (Sin) -> Si, fr: (So) -> Son ): Decider<C, Sin, Son, Ei, Eo>
  • Decider<C, Si, So, Ei, Eo>.mapLeftOnState(f: (Sin) -> Si): Decider<C, Sin, So, Ei, Eo>
  • Decider<C, Si, So, Ei, Eo>.mapOnState(f: (So) -> Son): Decider<C, Si, Son, Ei, Eo>


  • rjustOnS(so: So): Decider<C, Si, So, Ei, Eo>
  • Decider<C, Si, So, Ei, Eo>.applyOnState(ff: Decider<C, Si, (So) -> Son, Ei, Eo>): Decider<C, Si, Son, Ei, Eo>
  • Decider<C, Si, So, Ei, Eo>.productOnState(fb: Decider<C, Si, Son, Ei, Eo>): Decider<C, Si, Pair<So, Son>, Ei, Eo>


  • Decider<in C?, in Si, out So, in Ei?, out Eo>.combine( y: Decider<in Cn?, in Sin, out Son, in Ein?, out Eon> ): Decider<C_SUPER, Pair<Si, Sin>, Pair<So, Son>, Ei_SUPER, Eo_SUPER>

  • with identity element Decider<Nothing?, Unit, Nothing?>

A monoid is a type together with a binary operation (combine) over that type, satisfying associativity and having an identity/empty element. Associativity facilitates parallelization by giving us the freedom to break problems into chunks that can be computed in parallel.

We can now construct event-sourcing or/and state-storing aggregate by using the same decider.

Event-sourcing aggregate

Event sourcing aggregate is using/delegating a Decider to handle commands and produce events. It belongs to the Application layer. In order to handle the command, aggregate needs to fetch the current state (represented as a list of events) via EventRepository.fetchEvents function, and then delegate the command to the decider which can produce new events as a result. Produced events are then stored via EventRepository.save suspending function.

event sourced aggregate

EventSourcingAggregate implements an interface EventRepository by delegating all of its public members to a specified object. The Delegation pattern has proven to be a good alternative to implementation inheritance, and Kotlin supports it natively requiring zero boilerplate code.

The by -clause in the supertype list for EventSourcingAggregate indicates that eventRepository will be stored internally in objects of EventSourcingAggregate and the compiler will generate all the methods of EventRepository that forward to eventRepository

State-stored aggregate

State stored aggregate is using/delegating a Decider to handle commands and produce new state. It belongs to the Application layer. In order to handle the command, aggregate needs to fetch the current state via StateRepository.fetchState function first, and then delegate the command to the decider which can produce new state as a result. New state is then stored via StateRepository.save suspending function.

state storedaggregate

StateStoredAggregate implements an interface StateRepository by delegating all of its public members to a specified object. The Delegation pattern has proven to be a good alternative to implementation inheritance, and Kotlin supports it natively requiring zero boilerplate code.

The by -clause in the supertype list for StateStoredAggregate indicates that aggregateStateRepository will be stored internally in objects of StateStoredAggregate and the compiler will generate all the methods of StateRepository that forward to stateRepository


_View is a datatype that represents the event handling algorithm, responsible for translating the events into denormalized state, which is more adequate for querying. It belongs to the Domain layer. It is usually used to create the view/query side of the CQRS pattern. Obviously, the command side of the CQRS is usually event-sourced aggregate.

It has three generic parameters Si, So, E, representing the type of the values that _View may contain or use. _View can be specialized for any type of Si, So, E because these types do not affect its behavior. _View behaves the same for E=Int or E=YourCustomType, for example.

_View is a pure domain component.

  • Si - input State
  • So - output State
  • E - Event

We make a difference between input and output types, and we are more general in this case. We can always specialize down to the 2 generic parameters: typealias View<S, E> = _View<S, S, E>

data class _View<Si, So, E>(
    val evolve: suspend (Si, E) -> So,
    val initialState: So,

typealias View<S, E> = _View<S, S, E>

view image

View extensions and functions


  • View<Si, So, E>.mapLeftOnEvent(f: (En) -> E): View<Si, So, En>

Profunctor (Contravariant and Covariant)

  • View<Si, So, E>.dimapOnState( fl: (Sin) -> Si, fr: (So) -> Son ): View<Sin, Son, E>
  • View<Si, So, E>.mapLeftOnState(f: (Sin) -> Si): View<Sin, So, E>
  • View<Si, So, E>.mapOnState(f: (So) -> Son): View<Si, Son, E>


  • View<Si, So, E>.applyOnState(ff: View<Si, (So) -> Son, E>): View<Si, Son, E>
  • justOnState(so: So): View<Si, So, E>


  • View<in Si, out So, in E?>.combine(y: View<in Si2, out So2, in E2?>): View<Pair<Si, Si2>, Pair<So, So2>, E_SUPER>
  • with identity element View<Unit, Nothing?>

A monoid is a type together with a binary operation (combine) over that type, satisfying associativity and having an identity/empty element. Associativity facilitates parallelization by giving us the freedom to break problems into chunks that can be computed in parallel.

We can now construct materialized view by using this view.

Materialized View

A Materialized view is using/delegating a View to handle events of type E and to maintain a state of denormalized projection(s) as a result. Essentially, it represents the query/view side of the CQRS pattern. It belongs to the Application layer.

In order to handle the event, materialized view needs to fetch the current state via ViewStateRepository.fetchState suspending function first, and then delegate the event to the view, which can produce new state as a result. New state is then stored via ViewStateRepository.save suspending function.


_Saga is a datatype that represents the central point of control, deciding what to execute next (A). It is responsible for mapping different events from many aggregates into action results AR that the _Saga then can use to calculate the next actions A to be mapped to commands of other aggregates.

_Saga is stateless, it does not maintain the state.

It has two generic parameters AR, A, representing the type of the values that _Saga may contain or use. _Saga can be specialized for any type of AR, A because these types do not affect its behavior. _Saga behaves the same for AR=Int or AR=YourCustomType, for example.

_Saga is a pure domain component.

  • AR - Action Result
  • A - Action
data class _Saga<AR, A>(
    val react: (AR) -> Flow<A>

typealias Saga<AR, A> = _Saga<AR, A>

saga image

Saga extensions and functions


  • Saga<AR, A>.mapLeftOnActionResult(f: (ARn) -> AR): Saga<ARn, A>


  • Saga<AR, A>.mapOnAction(f: (A) -> An): Saga<AR, An>


  • Saga<in AR?, out A>.combine(y: _Saga<in ARn?, out An>): Saga<AR_SUPER, A_SUPER>
  • with identity element Saga<Nothing?, Nothing?>

We can now construct Saga Manager by using this saga.

Saga Manager

Saga manager is a stateless process orchestrator. It is reacting on Action Results of type AR and produces new actions A based on them.

Saga manager is using/delegating a Saga to react on Action Results of type AR and produce new actions A which are going to be published via ActionPublisher.publish suspending function.

It belongs to the Application layer.


"Kotlin has both object-oriented and functional constructs. You can use it in both OO and FP styles, or mix elements of the two. With first-class support for features such as higher-order functions, function types and lambdas, Kotlin is a great choice if you’re doing or exploring functional programming."

Start using the libraries

All fmodel components/libraries are released to Maven Central

Maven coordinates




Deploy to Maven Central


mvn clean deploy -Dgpg.passphrase="YOUR_PASSPHRASE" -Pci-cd

References and further reading


Special credits to Jérémie Chassaing for sharing his research and Adam Dymitruk for hosting the meetup.

Created with ❤️ by Fraktalio