Docker container to gather informations from Ingecon Sun photovoltaic Inverter, allowing to retrive them via an HTTP API or push them to a Graphite aggregator.
Disclaimer: This project is not affiliated with Ingeteam or Ingecom. It is a independent, unofficial API. Since it's not officially supported it may cause irreversibles damages to your equipment. Use it at your own risk.
This code was tested on a INGECON SUN Lite TL with RS485 address 1;
You'll need a RS485-to-TCP converter in order to connect to the inverter; I've used: USR-TCP232-304
Then you'll just need to clone the project; fill the envs in the docker-compose.yml and run it using:
docker-compose up -d
The data is reachable via HTTP at http://localhost:3000 or you can optionally configure it to push the data to a Graphite server.
{"fv.gridVoltage":244,"fv.outputPower":3165,"fv.gridCurrent":12.94,"fv.busVoltage":370,"fv.photovoltaicModuleCurrent":8.53,"fv.photovoltaicModuleVoltage":372,"fv.efficiency": 0.99,"fv.time":1552834163}