
:star: Codebase for the tutorials on my blog

Primary LanguageJavaMIT LicenseMIT

Codebase for the tutorials on my blog

Build Status

If you find an issue or bug within the provided code examples, feel free to open an issue and I will take a look.


  • Expose git information with Spring Boot’s Actuator (Blog, Sources)
  • Write Spring Boot integration tests with a real database (Blog, Sources)
  • Avoid repeating attributes in JPA entities (Blog, Sources)
  • Lazy Loading of JPA attributes with Hibernate(Blog, Sources)
  • Deploy a Spring Boot Uber-Jar application within Open Liberty (Blog, Sources)
  • Send E-Mails with SendGrid and Spring Boot (Blog, Sources)
  • Simple CRUD table with JSF and PrimeFaces (Blog, Sources)
  • Simple JSF 2.3 Login with Java EE 8 Security API (Blog, Sources)
  • Simple JMS application with the embedded messaging engine in Open Liberty (Blog, Sources)
  • JAX-RS user-based API rate-limiting with JSR-375 (Blog, Sources)
  • Up- and download files with React and Spring Boot (Blog, Sources)
  • Generate documents from Word templates with Docx4j on Wildfly 14 (Blog, Sources)
  • Write JPA integration tests with Java EE (Blog, Sources)
  • Dynamic SQL Querying & Pagination with Querydsl and Spring Data JPA (Blog, Sources)
  • MicroProfile JWT Authentication with Keycloak and React (Blog, Sources)
  • Simple database documentation with SchemaSpy (Blog, Sources)
  • Preview PDF files with React (Blog, Sources)
  • Simple load-testing with Apache Benchmark (Blog, Sources)
  • Generate PDFs (Apache PDFBox) including Charts (XChart) with Java EE (Blog, Sources)
  • Writing PostgreSQL functions with Java using PL/Java (Blog, Sources)
  • Best Practices Flyway and Hibernate with Spring Boot (Blog, Sources)
  • Up- and downloading files with Java EE and Web Components (Blog, Sources)
  • RESTEasy (WildFly) file up- and downloading (Blog, Sources)
  • Messaging with JMS using Payara with embedded OpenMQ broker (Blog, Sources)
  • Nice-looking JSF 2.3 apps with PrimeFaces 7.0 (Blog, Sources)
  • Java Benchmarking with JMH (Java Microbenchmark Harness) (Blog, Sources)
  • Remote Debug Spring Boot applications (IntelliJ IDEA + Eclipse) (Blog, Sources)
  • Consumer-Driven Contracts with Spring Cloud Contract (Blog, Sources)
  • Send emails with Java EE using Payara (Blog, Sources)
  • Use Spring’s WebClient for RESTful communication (Blog, Sources)
  • Deploy Java EE applications to Kubernetes (Blog, Sources)
  • MicroProfile Rest Client for RESTful communication (Blog, Sources)
  • Deploy a React application to Kuberntes (Blog, Sources)
  • Intercept method calls using CDI interceptors (Blog, Sources)
  • Generate random data in Java using Java Faker (Blog, Sources)
  • Write Java EE applications with Kotlin (Blog, Sources)
  • Feature Toggles for Spring Boot applications with Togglz (Blog, Sources)
  • Bootstrap your first Jakarta EE 8 application (Blog, Sources)
  • Jakarta EE and MicroProfile applications with React and PostgreSQL (Blog, Sources)
  • Create your own Maven Archetype in 5 simple steps (Blog, Sources)
  • Spring WebClient OAuth2 Integration for Spring WebFlux (Blog, Sources)
  • Create real-time applications with Jakarta EE WebSocket (Blog, Sources)
  • Spring WebClient OAuth2 Integration for Spring Web (Servlet) (Blog, Sources)
  • Jakarta EE integration tests with MicroShed Testing (Blog, Sources)
  • Spring Boot Integration Tests with WireMock and JUnit 5 (Blog, Sources)
  • Create Spring Boot applications with Maven and Kotlin (Blog, Sources)
  • Spring WebTestClient for efficient testing of your REST API (Blog, Sources)
  • Jakarta EE & React file up- and download using Java 11 and TypeScript (Blog, Sources)



  • What’s new in Spring Boot 2.1 (Blog, Sources)
  • What's new in Spring Boot 2.2 (Blog, Sources)
  • What's new in MicroProfile 3.1 (Blog, Sources)
  • Improved Java/Jakarta EE productivity with Adam Bien’s WAD (Watch and Deploy) (Blog, Sources)
  • 5 Java 9 Features you might not know yet (Blog, Sources)
  • Top 3 Maven Plugins to ensure Quality and Security for your project (Blog, Sources)
  • Joyful Open Liberty Developer Experience with Liberty Maven Plugin (Blog, Sources)


  • #CHEATSHEET: Java/Jakarta EE application servers (Blog, Sources)