
Database for a fictional library made in MySQL with books stock, authors, customers and loans. SQL project for Coderhouse.

Primary LanguageSQL

Library SQL Database

A library database made in MySQL with books stock, authors, customers and loans.

SQL project for Coderhouse.


  1. Entity-relationship diagram
  2. Tables creation
  3. Data entry
  5. Functions
  6. Stored procedures
  7. Triggers
  8. Users creation
  9. TCL statements
  10. Database backup

Entity–relationship diagram

🔑: Primary Key

🗝: Foreign Key

MySQL workbench entity-relationship diagram

Data Structure

Just run the tables creation script.

Country table

Match id_country with country name.

Column Type Description
id_country tinyint unsigned NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT Primary Key for a Country
country varchar(30) NOT NULL Country name

Category table

Match id_category with category name.

Column Type Description
id_category tinyint unsigned NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT Primary Key for a category
category varchar(30) NOT NULL Category name

Publisher table

Match id_publisher with publisher name.

Column Type Description
id_publisher smallint unsigned NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT Primary Key for a publisher
publisher varchar(30) NOT NULL Publisher name

Book language table

Match id_book_language with language name.

Column Type Description
id_book_language smallint unsigned NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT Primary Key for a language
book_language varchar(30) NOT NULL Book language name

Book status table

Match id_book_status with book status. Book status can be borrowed, lost, destroyed, etc.

Column Type Description
id_book_status tinyint unsigned NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT Primary Key for a book status
book_status varchar(30) NOT NULL Book status name

Customer table

Library customers info.

Column Type Description
id_customer smallint unsigned NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT Primary Key for a customer
first_name varchar(30) NOT NULL Customer first name
last_name varchar(30) NOT NULL Customer last name
dni int unsigned NOT NULL Customer DNI
phone varchar(20) NOT NULL Customer phone number
email varchar(50) NOT NULL Customer email
birth_date date NOT NULL Customer birth date

Book table

Book info.

Column Type Description
id_book smallint unsigned NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT Primary Key for a book
id_publisher smallint unsigned NOT NULL Foreign Key to publisher table
title varchar(128) NOT NULL Book title
book_description text NULL Book description
publication_date date NULL Book publication date
id_book_language smallint unsigned NOT NULL Foreign Key to book_language table

Book inventory table

Match book copies with id_book from book table and its status from book_status table.

Column Type Description
id_book_inventory smallint unsigned NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT Primary Key for a book copy
id_book smallint unsigned NOT NULL Foreign Key to book table
id_book_status tinyint unsigned NOT NULL Foreign Key to book status table

Storage location table

Book copies storage location. With id_book_inventory (from book_inventory table), shows its shelf number and shelf_section number.

Column Type Description
id_book_inventory smallint unsigned NOT NULL Foreign Key to book inventory table
shelf tinyint unsigned NOT NULL Shelf number
shelf_section tinyint unsigned NOT NULL Shelf section number

Loan table

Describes library loans.

Column Type Description
id_loan int unsigned NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT Primary Key for a loan
id_customer smallint unsigned NOT NULL Foreign Key to customer table
id_book_inventory smallint unsigned NOT NULL Foreign Key to book inventory table
loan_date datetime NOT NULL Loan date time
due_date datetime NOT NULL Loan due date time

Author table

Book authors info.

Column Type Description
id_author smallint unsigned NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT Primary Key for an author
first_name varchar(30) NOT NULL Author's first name
last_name varchar(30) NOT NULL Author's last name
id_country tinyint unsigned NOT NULL Foreign Key to country table

Book author table

Books by author. Match id_author from author table with id_book from book table.

Column Type Description
id_author smallint unsigned NOT NULL Foreign Key to author table
id_book smallint unsigned NOT NULL Foreign Key to book table

Book category table

Books by category. Match id_category from category table with id_book from book table.

Column Type Description
id_category tinyint unsigned NOT NULL Foreign Key to category table
id_book smallint unsigned NOT NULL Foreign Key to book table

Book return table

Books returns. Describes loans (from loan table) returned.

Column Type Description
id_book_return int unsigned NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT Primary Key for a book return
id_loan int unsigned NOT NULL Foreign Key to loan table
return_date datetime NOT NULL Loan return date time

Log tables

Tables explained in Triggers section.

  • Log statement table
  • Log loan table
  • Log deleted book return table

Data entry script

Just run data_entry_script.sql for an example of data entry.

Fake data from Mockaroo:

  • Book titles are actually movie titles.
  • Books description are sentences chosen randomly from lorem ipsum.

Views Structure

Just run views.sql for an example of views.

Book info view

Show books info order by id_book.

Column Description
id_book Book id
title Book title
book_description Book description
publication_date Publication date
publisher Publisher
book_language Book language

Author info view

Show authors info order by id_author.

Column Description
id_author Author id
complete_name Author complete name
nationality Author nationality

Lost books view

Show lost books order by id_book.

Column Description
id_book_inventory Book inventory id
id_book Book id
title Book title

Loans by book view

Show loans by book order by times_borrowed.

Column Description
id_book Book id
title Book title
times_borrowed Times borrowed

Overdue loans view

Show overdue loans order by due date.

Column Description
id_loan Loan id
id_book_inventory Book inventory id
title Book title
id_customer Customer id
customer Customer complete name
phone Customer phone
email Customer email
due_date Due date

Borrowed books view

Show borrowed books order by expected return.

Column Description
id_book_inventory Book inventory id
id_book Book id
title Book title
loan_date Loan date
expected_return Due date

Available books view

Show available books and its quantity in stock order by id_book.

Column Description
id_book Book id
title Book title
quantity_in_stock Quantity in stock


In functions.sql:

  • get_available_stock_book: Returns available stock book.
  • get_book_times_borrowed: Returns book times borrowed.
  • get_id_book_status: Returns id_book_status from book_status table, depending book_status parameter.

Stored procedures

In stored_procedures.sql:

  • order_books_by: Orders book table by column_to_order_by parameter (in order_way ASC/DESC). This stored procedure will return an error if the column_to_order_by doesn't exist in book table or if the order_way is not "ASC"/"DESC"/""
  • insert_or_delete_book_category: inserts or deletes an id_book-id_category match from book_category table depending on statement_in ("INSERT"/"DELETE").
  • insert_book_category: Inserts an id_book-id_category match from book_category table (using insert_or_delete_book_category sp).
  • delete_book_category: Deletes an id_book-id_category match from book_category table (using insert_or_delete_book_category sp).
  • update_book_status: Updates book_status in book_inventory table.
  • update_book_status_from_id_book_return: Updates book_status in book_inventory table, depending id_book_return from book_return table.
  • log_into_log_loan_table: Logs into log_loan_table, depending arguments.

See examples.


In triggers.sql:

Loan table triggers

Log statements table (for 'INSERT', 'DELETE'):

Column Type Description
id_statement tinyint unsigned AUTO_INCREMENT Primary Key for a statement
statement varchar(6) NOT NULL Statement

Note: we need to run the data entry script first, because we need the registers INSERT and DELETE.

Log loan table for loan table triggers:

Column Type Description
id_log int unsigned AUTO_INCREMENT Primary Key for a log
id_statement tinyint unsigned Foreign Key to statement table
id_loan int unsigned id_loan from loan table
id_customer smallint unsigned id_customer from loan table
id_book_inventory smallint unsigned id_book_inventory from loan table
user_running_query varchar(80) User running the query
log_date date Log date
log_time time Log time
  • loan_AFTER_INSERT: Updates log loan table.
  • loan_AFTER_DELETE: Updates log loan table.
  • loan_BEFORE_INSERT: Updates book status to borrowed in book_inventory table.

Book return table triggers

Log deleted book return table for book return table triggers:

Column Type Description
id_log int unsigned AUTO_INCREMENT Primary Key for a log
id_loan int unsigned id_loan from book_return table
id_book_return int unsigned id_book_return from book_return table
return_date datetime return_date from book_return table
user_running_query varchar(80) User running the query
log_date date Log date
log_time time Log time
  • book_return_AFTER_DELETE: Updates log deleted book return table.
  • book_return_BEFORE_DELETE: Updates book status to borrowed in book_inventory table.
  • book_return_AFTER_INSERT: Updates book status to stock in book_inventory table.

Users creation

Simple users creation examples:

  • 'user_with_reading_grants'@'localhost': An user with only reading grants.
  • 'user_with_more_grants'@'localhost': An user with reading, insertion and modification grants.

TCL statements examples

Simple tcl statements examples:

  • DELETE statements on book return_table: Deleting random registers from book_return table with ROLLBACK and COMMIT example.
  • INSERT statements on publisher table: Inserting registers on publisher table with SAVEPOINTs examples.

Database backup

Data backup realized in backup_20220529.sql. (Date: 2022-05-29)

The backup is only data from all tables excepting log tables (log_statement, log_loan, log_deleted_book_return tables).


$ mysql -u 'user' -p library < backup_20220529.sql