This is a React Native app developed using version 0.71.6.
Before running the app, make sure you have the following prerequisites installed:
- Node.js
- React Native CLI
- Android SDK (for Android development)
- Xcode (for iOS development)
Follow the steps below to get the app up and running:
Clone the repository:
git clone
Install dependencies:
cd pokereact
and thennpm install
and also don't forget to runcd ios && pod install
ornpx pod-install
Start the development server:
yarn start
ornpm start
Run the app on Android or iOS:
Android: Open a simulator or connect a physical device, then run:
yarn android
or using npm
npm run android
iOS: Open a simulator or connect a physical device, then run:
yarn ios
or using npm
npm run ios
This app utilizes the following libraries:
- Redux Toolkit: A library for efficient Redux development, providing simplified API and automatic handling of common Redux patterns. Thanks to Redux Toolkit for making state management easier.
- Redux: A predictable state container for JavaScript apps, used for managing the global state of the app. Thanks to Redux for providing a robust state management solution.
- Asyncstorage: An asynchronous, unencrypted, persistent, key-value storage system for React Native, used for storing app data locally. Thanks to AsyncStorage for simplifying data storage in the app.
In the project directory, you can run the following scripts:
npm start
: Starts the Metro development server.npm run android
: Builds the Android app and runs it on a connected device or emulator.npm run ios
: Builds the iOS app and runs it on a simulator or connected device.npm run test
: Runs the test suites.