
potr-map for FIG

Primary LanguagePython


POTR-MAP for International Fraud Group Hackathon. This application is python-based that has been deployed to streamlit sharing service. It utilises streamlit as a web server to serve the appplication as web application.

To try this app in your local machine:

  1. clone or download the code and files in the repo to your local machine
  2. install dependencies listed in requirements.txt file, for example, you can use pip by open terminal in the project folder and use command: pip install -r requirements.txt
  3. after all dependencies and libraries required installed, you can run the app: streamlit run app.py
  4. all the python codes are written in the file app.py and no html, css, js required to run the app.

Beside this python app, we also conducted analysis with elasticsearch and kibana that you can access on: https://potr-map.kb.us-central1.gcp.cloud.es.io:9243/app/r/s/howling-flabby-dentist