Portfolio Project

Repo ini tentang project yang pernah saya kerjakan dan project yang sedang dalam tahapan pengerjaan dan perbaikan.


GoodGamers.project My UAS project on ecommerce games using laravel & tailwind is still in the process of being fixed.



This project from buildwithangga course is about to make website booking travel using laravel 7 and bootstrap.

Hefa Store Project

Hefa Store Project This project from the course I took at buildwithangga is about Web design e-commerce using HTML, CSS, Bootstrap.

Project Course Belajar Dasar Pemrograman Web Dicoding

Portfolio Website This project is the result of the final exam for the Basic Learning Web Programming course from dicoding.


artaiment.org The project from where I last worked, this website contains a company profile using Laravel Blade as a frontend.