
Lipizzaner is a framework to train generative adversarial networks with gradient-based optimizers like Adam in a coevolutionary setup. It hence combines the advantages of both to achieve fast and stable results, as described in our papers:

  • Abdullah Al-Dujaili, Tom Schmiedlechner, Erik Hemberg, Una-May O'Reilly, “Towards distributed coevolutionary GANs,” AAAI 2018 Fall Symposium, 2018.

    • The source coude of the experiments performed in this paper can be seen in the following path ./theoretical_experiments/
  • Tom Schmiedlechner, Ignavier Ng Zhi Yong, Abdullah Al-Dujaili, Erik Hemberg, Una-May O'Reilly, “Lipizzaner: A System That Scales Robust Generative Adversarial Network Training,” NeurIPS 2018 Workshop on System for Machine Learning, 2018.

    • The configuration files to run the experiments performed in this paper can be found in the following path ./src/configuration/neurips2018/

Dev environment setup

conda env create -f ./src/helper_files/environment.yml
source activate lipizzaner
pip install -r ./src/helper_files/requirements.txt

Quick start

Lipizzaner includes a quick start example to test the installation on your localhost. In this experiment Lipizzaner trains a GAN by using four clients during 5 generations. The configuration files are located in ./src/configuration/quickstart/.

It is needed to set up some configuration parameters in general.yml to run the quick start experiment:

  1. Set the clients IP addresses
  2. Set the Losswise API key

Go to the src directory:

cd src

To run the quickstart experiments the four clients should be started (e.g. by runing the below commands):

python train --distributed --client &
sleep 5;
python train --distributed --client &
sleep 5;
python train --distributed --client &
sleep 5;
python train --distributed --client &

To start the master command line parameters are:

python train --distributed --master -f configuration/quickstart/mnist.yml


  • The clients need to be restarted between non-sequential and sequential GAN training.

Distributed training

Lipizzaner currently supports two types of training: distributed (in a master/client setup, with AsynchronousEATrainer) and local (with all other *Trainer classes).

To run Lipizzaner in a distributed way, you have two different options:

  • Starting the client nodes manually. This requires to specify the nodes' addresses and ports in general.yml (note that autodetect is not recommended in this scenario).
  • Using Docker to orchestrate the clients. Each client will run in a separate container of a docker swarm.
Option 1: Manual
  1. Set the clients IP addresses in general.yml:
    • Make sure to use a square number of clients (e.g. 4, 9, ...)
    • Ports will be assigned automatically, starting at 5000 on each machine
    • Examples:
      • If you are using one machine with four clients, the port range will be 5000-5003
      • If you are using two machines with 8 clients each, the port ranges will be 5000-5007 and 5000-5007 on the respective machines
  2. Start the client as often on each machine as you specified in general.yml
    • Command line parameters are python train --distributed --client
  3. Start the master, e.g. on your local machine
    • Command line parameters are python train --distributed --master -f configuration/lipizzaner-gan/celeba.yml

The master will then wait until the clients are finished, collect the results, and terminate itself. The clients remain running, waiting for new experiments.

Option 2: Docker Swarms
  1. Setup docker on all machines you want to use

  2. Create a docker swarm and an overlay network with the following commands:

    Execute on orchestrator (or 'manager') node:

    docker swarm init --advertise-addr <YOUR_IP_ADDRESS>
    docker network create -d overlay lpz-overlay

    Execute on worker nodes (the exact command, including the token, is returned by first of the above commands):

    docker swarm join --token <TOKEN> <MANAGER_IP_ADDRESS>:2377
  3. Optional: Login to a Docker Hub account that has access to the private lipizzaner2018/lipizzaner repository (with docker login) on each machine.

  4. If you don't want to use Docker Hub, you alternatively can clone the repo and build the container on each machine.

    To manually build the container, execute:

    docker build -t lipizzaner2018/lipizzaner .
  5. Run the Lipizzaner clients.

    Execute on the manager node:

    docker service create -e role=client --replicas <NR_OF_CLIENT> --network lpz-overlay --with-registry-auth --name lpz lipizzaner2018/lipizzaner:latest

    Docker will automatically distribute the clients over the all nodes in your swarm.

  6. Run the Lipizzaner master to start the experiments.

    • Make sure that autodiscover is set to True in general.yml, as this is required when running in docker.

    • Execute on any node:

      docker run -it --rm -e config_file=CONFIG_FILE -e SWARM=True -e role=master --network lpz-overlay --name lipizzaner-master lipizzaner2018/lipizzaner:lates

      Set the config file path as you would for a non-docker run, e.g. configuration/lipizzaner-gan/celeba.yml. Lipizzaner wil automatically detect and use all non-busy nodes in the Docker overlay network.

  7. When the experiment has finished, you can stop the client service (or keep it running for future experiments):

    docker service rm lpz
GPU support

GPU support for Docker Swarms is currently limited:

  1. GPUs currently can't be shared across multiple swarm services
  2. nvidia-docker has to be installed on each machine
  3. The docker daemon on each machine has to be manually configured to use the GPU
Option 3: Docker with GPU support

The most simple workaround for the limitations stated above (especially the first one) is to manually run the docker containers manually (not as swarm services):

  1. Use the command described in the first point of the section above to create a swarm and an overlay network. This is needed to establish communication between containers on multiple machines.

  2. Login to Docker Hub (or manually build the image), also described above.

  3. Run the Lipizzaner clients.

    Execute the following command multiple times on each machine, e.g. 5 times each on 5 machines for 25 Lipizzaner clients:

    docker run -d --rm -e role=client --runtime=nvidia --network lpz-overlay lipizzaner2018/lipizzaner:latest
  4. Run the Lipizzaner master to start the experiments.

    • Again, make sure that autodiscover is set to True in general.yml, as this is required when running in docker.

    • Execute on any node (notice that this command differs from the one in the previous section - '-e SWARM=True' was removed):

      docker run -it --rm -e config_file=CONFIG_FILE -e role=master --network lpz-overlay --name lipizzaner-master lipizzaner2018/lipizzaner:lates

      Set the config file path as you would for a non-docker run, e.g. configuration/lipizzaner-gan/celeba.yml. Lipizzaner wil automatically detect and use all non-busy nodes in the Docker overlay network.

Some local implementations are parallelized, others are not (as the focus was on the distributed setup).

Generating samples from a mixture

After a distributed training session finished, the results will be gathered on the master node (saved to <output>/<trainer>/master). These results contain both sample data and the resulting neural network models in PyTorch's .pkl format.

To generate sample data from such a mixture, use the following command:

python generate --mixture-source <SOURCE_DIR> -o <TARGET_DIR> --sample-size 100 -f <CONFIG_FILE>

Make sure that <SOURCE_DIR> points to a directory that contains both the .pkl files and the mixture.yml configuration file (created by Lipizzaner after training). Use the same <CONFIG_FILE> as for the training process. A concrete example could look like this:

python generate --mixture-source ./output/lipizzaner_gan/master/2018-06-04_10-01-50/ -o ./output/samples --sample-size 100 -f configuration/lipizzaner-gan/celeba.yml

Working With Sequential Data

Creating network traffic dataset

In order to create a pcap file of the network traffic from your local machine, navigate to lipizzaner-gan/src/data/network_data and use the following command:

sudo ./

And let this run for sufficiently long to create a large enough pcap file. Note that you may need to change the name of the pcap file specified in the bash file in order to generate multiple datasets.

Extracting netflow information

argus and argus-client is required for this step. In order to convert this pcap into a numpy file with the desired fields pass --pcap_file to script with the pcap file you're creating the dataset from, and run the following command:

python --pcap_file ${PCAP_FILE}

This will create a .npy file in the same directory, with the name you specified in the file_to_analyze line. In order to use this numpy file in the NetworkDataLoader class, update the flow_data line with the directory to the generated .npy file.

Training on Network Traffic Data

To run lipizzaner on a sequential dataset of network traffic flows, start multiple clients with the command from the /src directory:

python train --distributed --client

Then, start a master process with the following command:

python train --distributed --master -f configuration/lipizzaner-gan/network_traffic.yml

Further guidelines

If you want to add your own data to Lipizzaner, refer to this tutorial. For guidelines about how to compile and run the Lipizzaner dashboard, check its README.