
My automate dotfiles

Primary LanguageShell


I really like to configure my system in every possible way. This repository holds how I do it. If you are just starting out you could use mine but for your own sake read them. You will not get the most out of it without.

Pre Requirements

🚀 Installing

I follow a very modular approach. If you don't want something you can just remove it's folder. Imagine you don't want Neovim. You can just delete nvim folder. It's that simple.

Start by cloning my dotfiles into ~/dotfiles.

If you don't want ssh then delete the ssh folder else open ssh/install.sh in your code editor, then change the email to yours then save it



cd ~/dotfiles
make install

# After install Oh.My.Zsh, please run it again
make install

💣 Uninstalling (Comming Soon)

cd ~/dotfiles
make uninstall
cd ~
rm -rf ~/dotfiles

⚠️ Disclaimer

As you probably know, you shouldn't just run my Makefile without reading it first. And if you read it, you will understand that it calls other scripts like install.sh which depend on helpers.sh. Read those, it's the only way that you can trust what it is doing.

After Install

Add SSH key to your GitHub Account

How to Setup SSH Keys on GitHub


  • Editor - VsCode
  • Theme - Palenight, using Pale night Operator
  • Editor Font Family - Operator Mono with font ligatures
  • Transparent Background - Devilspie (linux)

  • I'm using i3 tiling window manager (linux)
  • Bottom-Right, did you see the time, day and date there - Variety (linux)
  • Background Images Changing using - Variety

  • Kitty Terminal
  • I customize the terminal to make it look like palenight theme
  • Termainl Font Family - Operator Mono with font ligatures
  • Transparent Background - Devilspie (linux)

  • File Manager - ranger (linux)

  • Preview Images inside ranger

  • Preview Videos inside ranger

  • Preview Svg inside ranger

  • Preview zip inside ranger

  • Preview code with highlights inside ranger