
A menubar app for Friend.Tech

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Friend.Tech for your Menubar

A menubar app for Friend.Tech.

You can use Cmd+Shift+Y (Mac) or Ctrl+Shift+Y (Win) to quickly open it from anywhere.


Action Shortcut (Mac) Shortcut (Win)
Go to Home Cmd+Shift+H Ctrl+Shift+H
Go to Chats Cmd+Shift+C Ctrl+Shift+C
Go to Watchlist Cmd+Shift+W Ctrl+Shift+W
Go to Explore/Search Cmd+Shift+S Ctrl+Shift+S
Go to Airdrop Cmd+Shift+A Ctrl+Shift+A
Go to Account Settings Cmd+Shift+. Ctrl+Shift+.


No Windows binaries currently offered. Clone the repo, npm install electron-forge and run.


To run the app, simply download the latest release from the releases page and double-click the executable file.


To develop the app, you'll need to have Node.js and npm or yarn installed. Then, follow these steps:

  1. Clone the repository: git clone https://github.com/agustif/friendtech-menubar-app.git
  2. Install dependencies: npm install or yarn install
  3. Start the app: npm start or yarn start

This will launch the app in development mode, with hot-reloading enabled.


To package the app as a binary, you can use the package script:

npm run package

This will create a packaged app in the out directory.

You can also use the make script to create distributable installers for different platforms:

npm run make

This will create installers for macOS, Windows, and Linux in the out/make directory.


This app was built by Agusti Fernandez, You can find me on Twitter @0xAgusti. and in my FT room Friend.Tech/0xAgusti.


If you're a happy user of the project and would like to donate to the author, you can do so sending whatever you want to my crypto wallet:

ENS: agust.eth

EVM Wallet: 0xf5e9a212c15aa67a7658048f59ec3e88bc9c0ea2


All credit and copyrights goes to Friend.Tech and it's creators and owners.

This app merely acts as a nice UX/UI wrapper to fit the friend.tech webapp into a webview that shows in your menubar.

Prior art

This repo for building a menubar app for friend.tech, has been inspired on Vincent's prior work on his awesome chatgpt-mac app which I've used a lot since he released.

Please do give him a follow on twitter @vincelwt.

OS X Notarization

This app is currently not notarised, so you will probably have to explicitly open it from the privacy and security settings in your mac the first time you run it.

We might offer notarised binaries in the future.


  • alpha initial release (2/10/2023)