It’s a Wonderful World for Game Park

This is the implementation of board game "It’s a Wonderful World" for Game Park (


First you must configure rclone (

Download rclone, and make it executable (add rclone.exe in the PATH env variable on Windows)

Then, run:

rclone config
> n (For "New remote)
name> its-a-wonderful-world
Storage> s3 (Amazon S3 Compliant Storage Provider)
provider> Other
env_auth> false
access_key_id> [Enter your access key id here - Never commit that on Git!]
secret_access_key> [Enter you secret access key here - Never commit that on Git!]
region> [Leave empty]
location_constraint> [Leave empty]
acl> public-read
Edit advanced config> n

This configuration is only required once. Now, to deploy a new version of It’s a Wonderful World, you have 2 command lines to run:

yarn build
rclone sync app/build --progress --s3-acl=public-read

More details about this deployment method here: