
An online food order study case to learn Flowchart and Pseudocode for Study Independent Kampus Merdeka

Online Food Order


  • Algorithm
  • Flow Chart
  • Pseudocode
  • Fork and clone Github repositories
  • Raise a pull request


  • Flowchart
  • Psudocode


  • Login to Github
  • Fork this repository to your Github account
  • Clone the project to your machine.
  • Create branch with your name, e.g: dewa-awidiya.
  • Duplicate the template directory sample-student and rename it with your name (same as branch name).
  • Brainstorm how online food order works (think the simpliest case).
  • Write the flowchart with your favorite tools, e.g: draw.io or other tools.
  • Export the flowchart and save it to your directory name.
  • Write down the pseudocode in file pseudocode.txt under your directory.
  • Commit and push to your repository.
  • Raise Pull Request to the mainstream repository sikm-online-food-order.


  • Keep it simple
  • Just cover case for search restaurant, select foods, calculate total price, and payment (just check wallet balance and process the order)