
Distributed Objects Programming 2015 Q2. Use of hazelcast for a movie querying distributed system based of IMDB database.


To run you'll need 2 terminals your pwd must be at the same directory as this README

###Compiling This is the first and most important step. Use ./deploy.sh for compiling the source code. Might need to chmod +x run.sh first.

You'll need this for both server and client.

Tips: This script contains $JAVA_HOME set at the default location for a mac computer. If run form linux change the first line to the output of which java

####Dependencies You must have maven installed in your computer.


Execute ./run.sh, might need to chmod +x run.sh first.

###Client Execute ./run_client.sh, might need to chmod +x run.sh first.

This script will need to be set in the command line args and saved before every run. That is explained in its self-contained help.