Coding challenge n-gram


Had this challenge for a job interview.

Algorithm does a single pass breaking on ngram length and using built in js functions which are pretty optimized already.

While I could've used a Tree based approach I opted a stack based solution using indexes.

During my tests this was much more performant but more benchmarking should be done. I assume it has to do with CPU cache being used much more effectively.

Finally it was specifically asked for a single file private gist with short installation instructions. This is all at index.js and the reason this project has a minimal package.json and no .gitignore

Project is dependency free (except for Jest required to run the tests)

Install on GNU/Linux

Make sure you already have

node >12

Two options:


$ git clone
$ cd ngram-challenge
$ npm install
$ jest

Or (not recommended)

Use the provided instructions at index.js

To run:

Typing "node ngram.js" followed by gram length as a number followed by your text


node ngram.js 3 Whatever you'd like ngramed

Challenge Requirements

N-grams are a contiguous sequence of n words from a string of text, and have many applications from full-text search indexes to machine learning.

You'll generate a set of every permutation of contiguous n-grams from a string of text, from 1-gram to n-grams where n is the number of words in the string

  • Program in the language for the position for which you are applying
  • Strip punctuation
  • Include tests
  • Write a single code file that includes both the application and tests As comments in the code file, include installation instructions & instructions for how to run your test and run your code Applicaiton accepts a parameter to generate n-grams from the parameter


"Hello there admiral Kenobi."


  "Hello there",
  "Hello there admiral",
  "Hello there admiral Kenobi",
  "there admiral",
  "there admiral Kenobi",
  "admiral Kenobi",