
Light DSL to generate shell scripts

Primary LanguageRubyMIT LicenseMIT


ShellB (pronounced Shelby) is a shell script builder. The goal is to be a (near) drop-in replacement for Ruby's Shell class


Wha? Why?

I've long loved Ruby's Shell class, essentially a DSL for building a shell script.

Imagine my dismay when I realized that piping information between commands in Shell is done through Ruby, making my beautiful shell scripts slow and hungry for memory.

I wanted something that would build out my shell scripts like Shell, but would stay in the shell where commands and pipes work quickly and smoothly.

I used ShellB in place of Shell and it didn't work

Yikes. I'm not surprised. The library Works For Me in that the few places I use it and I haven't really developed it beyond my own needs.

Also, there are some differences I can't figure out how to avoid.

Why are there so many \\\\'s in my script?

Ruby's Shellwords library does that. If you know of a better library for properly escaping shell-related strings, let me know!


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'shellb'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install shellb


ShellB is intended to work similarly to Shell. There are a few differences:

  1. All commands you intend to use must be defined via ShellB.def_system_command
  2. Unlike Shell, ShellB will not run any commands on its own. You must either
  • Call #run on a ShellB::Shell instance
  • Call ShellB::Shell#run { <commands here> } which will immediately execute the script

See the examples below.


%w[a b c d e f g].each do |cmd|

# Support Shell's #transact method -- my favorite way to build a script
shb = ShellB.new
script = shb.transact do
  a | b | c("--last", "--delimiter", "\t")
puts script # a | b | c --last --delimiter "\t"

# Invoke methods directly on ShellB::Shell instance
shb = ShellB.new
shb.a("--help") | shb.e("last")
puts shb.to_sh # => a --help | e last

# Run a script
shb = ShellB.new
shb.a("--help") | shb.e("last")
shb.run # creates a temporary script file and invokes it using Bash

# Immediately run a script after building it
ShellB.new.run do
  a | b

# Support `cd` ala Shell
shb.cd("/tmp") do
end # => (cd /tmp ; pwd)

# Handle Multiple Inputs into a Command
# Allow variable names as arguments
file1_csv = "/tmp/file1.csv"
file2_csv = "/tmp/file2.csv"
shb.transact do
  diff \
    < transact(do
        xsv("sort", file1_csv) | head
      end) \
    < transact({
        xsv("sort", file2_csv) | tail
end # => diff <(xsv sort /tmp/file1.csv | head) <(xsv sort /tmp/file2.csv | tail)

Future Ideas

Some ideas I'm toying with:

Support for hash => switches

It might be handy to feed a hash to a command and have that generate the appropriate switches for a command.

Something like:

shb = ShellB.new
shb.transact do
  e(long_switch: "value", s: true)
puts shb.to_sh # => e --long-switch value -s

However, how do we handle some of the following?

  • Underscore vs dash in long names?
    • E.g. does long_switch_name become --long-switch-name or --long_switch_name
  • For long switches, do we include an equals sign if a value is included?
    • E.g. does long_switch_name: "value" become --long-switch-name=value or --long-switch-name value
  • For switches without arguments, do we relegate those to an array only, or allow them in the hash?
    • E.g. does s: true become -s


After checking out the repo, run bin/setup to install dependencies. Then, run rake spec to run the tests. You can also run bin/console for an interactive prompt that will allow you to experiment.

To install this gem onto your local machine, run bundle exec rake install. To release a new version, update the version number in version.rb, and then run bundle exec rake release, which will create a git tag for the version, push git commits and tags, and push the .gem file to rubygems.org.

Similar Projects

As any good programmer, I wrote first and googled later. Here are some other projects that seem very similar to ShellB:


Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at https://github.com/aguynamedryan/shellb.


The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.