##Install Codelad Web Based Ide/Editor
// bash <(wget -qO- https://gist.githubusercontent.com/rnauber/9f579d1480db4cc5a9a3c97c00c52fb9/raw/install_codiad.sh
##Homepage: https://www.gnu.org/software/bash/
##Bash is the default shell after installing termux.
##The BASH shell init files are ~/.bashrc, $PREFIX/etc/bash.bashrc and more. See `man bash` and `info bash` for more information.
#Homepage: https://beanshell.github.io/
#Installation: { pkg install beanshell } 
#Beanshell is a fully Java compatible scripting language. 
#BeanShell is now capable of interpreting ordinary Java source and loading .java source files from the class path.
#BeanShell scripted classes are fully typed and appear to outside Java code and via reflective inspection as ordinary classes.
#However their implementation is fully dynamic and they may include arbitrary BeanShell scripts in their bodies, methods, and constructors.
#Users may now freely mix loose,unstructured BeanShell scripts, method closures, and full scripted classes.

#Documentation for Bash is available online, as is documentation for most GNU software.
#You may also find information about Bash by running info bash or man bash.
#Or by looking at /usr/share/doc/bash/, /usr/local/share/doc/bash/, or similar directories on your system. 
#A brief summary is available by running bash --help.