
CLI tools for Node.js Core collaborators

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Node.js Core Utilities

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CLI tools for Node.js Core collaborators.


First, follow these instructions to create a personal access token.

Note: We need to read the email of the PR author in order to check if it matches the email of the commit author. This requires checking the box user:email when you create the personal access token (you can edit the permission later as well).

Then create a file named .ncurc under your $HOME directory (~/.ncurc);

  "username": "you_github_username"
  "token": "token_that_you_created"

If you install via npm, that's it.

If you are using it from source, install and link:

git clone git@github.com:joyeecheung/node-core-utils.git
cd node-core-utils
npm install
npm link


This one is inspired by Evan Lucas's node-review , although it is a CLI implemented with the Github GraphQL API.

get-metadata <identifier> [owner] [repo]

Retrieves metadata for a PR and validates them against nodejs/node PR rules

  --version    Show version number                                     [boolean]
  -o, --owner  GitHub owner of the PR repository                        [string]
  -r, --repo   GitHub repository of the PR                              [string]
  -h, --help   Show help                                               [boolean]



# fetch metadata and run checks on nodejs/node/pull/$PRID
$ get-metadata $PRID
# is equivalent to
$ get-metadata https://github.com/nodejs/node/pull/$PRID
# is equivalent to
$ get-metadata $PRID -o nodejs -r node

# Or, redirect the metadata to a file while see the checks in stderr
$ get-metadata $PRID > msg.txt

# Using it to amend commit messages:
$ git show -s --format=%B > msg.txt
$ echo "" >> msg.txt
$ get-metadata $PRID >> msg.txt
$ git commit --amend -F msg.txt


  • Generate PR-URL
  • Generate Reviewed-By
  • Generate Fixes
  • Generate Refs
  • Check for CI runs
  • Check if commiters match authors
  • Check 48-hour wait
  • Check two TSC approval for semver-major
  • Warn new commits after reviews
  • Check number of files changed (request pre-backport)


