
My first ever attempt at making a platformer. Built following this tutorial: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Lcdc2v-9PjA&t=2599s&ab_channel=ChrisCourses

Primary LanguageJavaScript


My first ever attempt at making a platformer.

CURRENT VERSION: Baby's First Platformer (BFP) v.0.1 May 8, 2023

  • Game uses assets from ChrisCourses video tutorial (linked in Resources)
  • Player can move using WAD keys: w = jump, a = left, d = right
  • Player can enter doors using the W key
  • Player can change levels by entering doors
  • Levels 1 through 3 exist
  • Upon entering level 3's door, Player is looped back to Level 1
  • Player can pick up a "key" item (currently a placeholder box image)
  • Key item moves out of playable area upon being picked up


as of May 22nd, 2023: ==> PICK UP A KEY UPDATE (BFP v.0.1) A "key" item exists in the level, and the Player can pick it up.

    DONE: an item exists in the level
    DONE Player can interact with item on key press
    DONE: Item disappears from the level when it is interacted with

    Doors are locked by default upon Player spawn and the Player cannot enter them. If the Player has a key, the door can be unlocked and the Player can enter the door.

    DONE: Doors can be locked by default on level entrance 
    DONE: Doors can be unlocked if Player has a key 

    The game is now officially Keycat v.1! Fun part: styling.

    DONE: center game canvas in middle of viewport; make it looks nicer
    DONE: add custom Keycat sprite for Player
    DONE: add custom key sprite

=====UPCOMING CHANGES============================================ (things that are definitely happening)

==> KEYCAT: LEVEL UP UPDATE (Keycat v1.1) Change the level backgrounds and create more levels

<!-- TODO: add custom art for levels 1-3 -->

<!-- TODO: create level 4 -->
<!-- TODO: create level 5 -->
<!-- TODO: create level 6 -->
<!-- TODO: create level 7 -->
<!-- TODO: create level 8 -->
<!-- TODO: create level 9 -->
<!-- TODO: create level 10 -->

==> KEYCAT: FINISHING TOUCHES UPDATE (Keycat v1.2) Make the game look more polished; smooth out any weird bits and make it pretty

<!-- TODO: add a title screen before level 1 loads -->
<!-- TODO: add a credits scene on level 3 door exit? -->
<!-- TODO: Keycat sprite has a little key in its mouth when hasKey = true -->

<!-- TODO: add custom music -->

<!-- TODO: have 3 people play the game + suggest changes -->
<!-- TODO: evaluate + implement suggested changes -->

=====STRETCH GOALS============================================ (things that would be cool to have, but aren't a priority)

==> INVENTORY UPDATE the Player has an inventory that can store an item

<!-- TODO: Interactible items show text ("Pick up {item}") at bottom of screen when they collide with player -->

<!-- TODO: Inventory appears on screen -->
<!-- TODO: Inventory can be opened and closed on key press -->
<!-- TODO: Inventory can be updated; Player can add ("pick up") and remove ("drop") one item-->

==> InVENTORY UPDATE 2 the Player has an inventory that can store multiple items

==> TALK TO ME UPDATE NPCs exist in the world. The Player can interact with them to trigger dialog.

<!-- TODO: a NPC exists in the level -->
<!-- TODO: add custom NPC sprite -->
<!-- TODO: Player can interact with NPCs on key press -->

<!-- TODO: Dialog boxes appear on screen -->
<!-- TODO: Player interaction with NPCs trigger a dialog box to appear on screen -->
<!-- TODO: Dialog boxes appear in a way that does not obscure the character that is speaking -->
<!-- TODO: NPCs can have multiple dialog boxes -->
<!-- TODO: Player can advance to next dialog box on key press -->

==> THREE'S A CROWD UPDATE Multiple NPCs can exist per level.

<!-- TODO: Multiple NPCs exist in a level -->
<!-- TODO: Multiple NPCs have individual dialog -->

==> GET MOVING UPDATE NPCs can move around.

<!-- TODO: NPCs can move  -->
<!-- TODO: NPCs can move on a basic predetermined path -->

==> TAKE THIS UPDATE Player can give items to NPCs in order to trigger specific dialog

<!-- TODO: Player can give NPC an item -->


Initially built following this tutorial: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Lcdc2v-9PjA&amp;t=2599s&amp;ab_channel=ChrisCourses

What is canvas context? https://www.html5canvastutorials.com/tutorials/html5-canvas-element/#:~:text=The%20canvas%20element%20is%20the,can%20only%20have%20one%20context.

Javascript switch case: https://www.w3schools.com/js/js_switch.asp

Tiled map editor: https://www.mapeditor.org/

=====NOTES============================================ GETTING COLLISION DATA FROM TILED: 1. open level file in Tiled 2. go to Collisions layer 3. open Properties 4. toggle visibility 5. export as levelX.js 6. scroll to collisions data and copy/paste array into collisions.js

COLLISION DETECTION: 1. check horizontal axis for collision with player 2. apply gravity 3. check for vertical collisions 4. update and loop

SPRITE ANIMATION: 1. need to crop the sprite sheet to only use one image at a time 2. move the crop mark to the next iteration of the sprite sheet 3. adjust speed of crop mark movement to give illusion of movement

PUTTING A DOOR ON THE MAP: 1. go into Tiled > misc > select Door 2. place door on the map 3. take x and y coordinates on side panel (Map Properties) 4. subtract the height of the door (also visible in map Properties) from the y-coordinate to get the actual y-coordinate