
A collection of password dictionaries for use in ethical hacking / cracking of password hashes.

Primary LanguagePHP


A collection of password dictionaries for use in ethical hacking / cracking of password hashes.

When cracking password hashes, it is best to perform a dictionary attack first. The problem is, finding password dictionaries online is tough work, and often they contain errors (invalid characters, strings of HTML, etc.)

This project is an attempt to build up a collection of cleaned password dictionaries of various sizes and from various sources (including previously cracked password leaks), so that those with an academic curiosity in password cracking have a good resource to rely on.

Disclaimer: None of the passwords found here were stolen by myself or any other contributor. All password dictionaries in the collection will be taken from public releases and any private or personal information (emails, names, etc) will be removed. If you find information that has been overlooked, please contact me.

Dictionary Files

  • yahoo-voices.txt.gz - 342,508 passwords stolen from Yahoo! Voices, sorted by popularity.
  • unix-fresh-scanner.txt.gz - 20,882 unix passwords used in an attack script called "fresh scanner" (caught in an SSH honeypot I run).