
Text area with uneditable tokens for editing equations

Primary LanguageRubyMIT LicenseMIT

Text area with tokens

Javascript control for editing equations that supports embedded tokens for variables in the equations.

We created this control to support editing feature scoring equations in Aha!. It allows users to mix arbitrary mathematical equations with user defined variables.


Example Equation Example Equation



Add to your Gemfile and bundle:

gem 'token-text-area', git: 'https://github.com/k1w1/token-text-area.git'

Include JavaScript in your application.js manifest:

//= require token-text-area

Include CSS in your application.css.less manifest:

*= require token-text-area


In your view, use the token_text_area helper to create the token text area:

token_text_area(equation, variables, options = {})


  • equation - an existing equation with which to populate the equation editor (use nil if no such equation exists)
  • variables - an array of hashes representing variables in the equation, with hash attributes id, name, and value. For example: [{id: 1, name: 'Business Value', value: 5}]. If the equation is in readonly mode (see next bullet) and the value is present, it will be displayed after the variable name in the token.
  • options - a hash of options. You may pass HTML or data attributes to be attached to the token text area. Options specific to token-text-area are readonly and container_tag. If readonly is set to true, the equation will be readonly- not editable with values shown if available. If container_tag is set, the given tag will be used for the editor; if not set, :div is the default.


You must initialize the editor in your JavaScript or CoffeeScript. The API accepts two methods: onQuery and onChange.

  • onQuery is triggered when typing in the text area and may be used to populate the autocomplete menu. Passing an array of JSON objects with id and name attributes to callback(data); will populate the autocomplete menu with those objects.
  • onChange is triggered when the value of the text area changes, and may be used to save the equation value (or similar).

A complete example initialization:

  onQuery: function(query, callback) {
      type: 'GET',
      url: '/autocomplete/results/path/?query=' + query,
      dataType: 'json',
      success: function(data) {
        return callback(data);
  onChange: function(equation) {
      type: 'PUT',
      url: '/some/save/path/',
      dataType: 'json',
      data: {
        equation: equation

A Note about Variables

Variables in equations are automatically converted for server-side storage in the onChange event from <span class="token"... to #variable_id# placeholder notation, where variable_id is the ID attribute of the variable. In the token_text_area helper, variables are automatically converted from #variable_id# notation back to display-friendly <span class="token"... by looking up the variable ID in the variables array parameter.

Running examples

bundle install
bundle exec rackup