Allure Turnip

Gem Version Build Status

Adaptor to use the Allure framework along with the Turnip.

What's new

See the releases tab.


Add the dependency to your Gemfile. Choose the version carefully:

Allure Turnip Turnip
>= 0.1.x >= 3.0
>= 0.3.x >= 4.0
 gem 'allure_turnip'

And then include it in your spec_helper.rb:

    require 'allure_turnip'

    RSpec.configure do |c|
      c.include AllureTurnip::Adaptor

Advanced options

You can specify the directory where the Allure test results will appear. By default it would be 'gen/allure-results' within your current directory.
When you add a feature_with_filename option, the suites of the the Allure test results include file's name as a prefix.
This options is useful if you have some same feature names. Because Allure overwrites the same feature name's result if there are some same feature names.
Allure_turnip will analyze your tags looking for Test Management, Issue Management. These will be displayed in the generated allure report (see allure-core for further info).

    AllureTurnip.configure do |c|
      c.output_dir = "/whatever/you/like" # default: gen/allure-results
      c.clean_dir = false # clean the output directory first? (default: true)
      c.logging_level = Logger::DEBUG # logging level (default: DEBUG)
      c.feature_with_filename = true # default: false
      c.tms_prefix      = '@TEST-' # default: '@TMS:'
      c.issue_prefix    = '@JIRA:' # default: '@ISSUE:'
      c.severity_prefix    = '@PRIORITY:' # default: '@SEVERITY:'


In your step method, you can call attach_file method. The method attaches the file in the Allure result.

Usage examples


Feature: Attach File
  Scenario: This is an attaching file feature
    Given attach file


step 'attach file' do
  attach_file "test-file1","test")