
Hash-based Web Router for SPAs

Primary LanguageJavaScriptApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


A library for hash-based routing in the browser.


In a Single Page App (SPA), it is convenient to navigate by changing the part of the URL after the hash # character, as this will not cause the browser to reload the page.

This library allows you to associate callbacks with URL paths after the hash, so when a user navigates to a given path, the associated callback is called.

The size of this library, minified and zipped is about 1KB.


You can use this library as either an EcmaScript module, or the old way as a script which you include in your html file.

Install as NPM EcmaScript Module

If you plan to use this package as an NPM module:

    npm install @techexp/hash-router

Install as a Script

If you plan to use this package as a JS script library

    <script src="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ahabra/hash-router/master/dist/HashRouter-script-min.js"></script>

Alternatively, you can download the file https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ahabra/hash-router/master/dist/HashRouter-script-min.js and use directly. Note that there is a non-minified version at the same location.


If you installed as an EcmaScript module

import * as HashRouter from '@techexp/hash-router'

If you installed as a Script, the library is available at window.HashRouter

Quick Code Demo

This example shows how to create simple hash-based route handlers:

import * as HashRouter from '@techexp/hash-router'
// or use window.HashRouter if you are using the script.

const router = HashRouter.createRouter()

router.add('a/b', ()=> {
  console.log('Navigated to #a/b')
window.location.href = '#a/b'

router.add('a/:id/c', (path, params) => {
  console.log('Navigated to ', path)  // path = a/42/c
  console.log(params) // params = {id: "42"}
window.location.href = '#a/42/c'

router.add('a/[x.*z]/c', path => {
  console.log('Navigated to ', path)  // path = a/xBARz/c
window.location.href = '#a/xBARz/c'


This library consists of a single function createRouter() that returns an object with two prototype methods, add() and go().

add(path, handler)

Add a new hash-path handler.


A string that consists of one or more slash / separated parts. The path may start with a hash or slash, but they have no effect. Each part can be one of:

  1. Literal string value. E.g. dept
  2. Parameter prefixed with colon :. E.g. dept/:id
  3. Regular Expression surrounded by square brackets []. E.g. dept/:id/[foo.*]

A callback that takes two arguments, path and params. path is the current path that was navigated to, while params is an object that contain the path paramters. For example:

router.add('dept/:id/employee/:name', (path, params) => {
  consol.log('id', params.id)  // 3
  consol.log('name', params.name)   // bob

window.location.href = '#dept/3/employee/bob'


Navigate (within the app) to the given path. The path may start with a hash or slash, but they have no effect.


The path to navigate to. For example:


Calling this functions is somewhat similar to setting window.location.href, however this go() function makes sure that a hash character will be used, and it updates the browser's history.