
Materials for the Spring 2021 MIT Political Methodology Lab "Introduction to Text Analysis" Workshop

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Introduction to Text Analysis

MIT PML Workshops Spring 2021

Materials for the Spring 2021 MIT Political Methodology Lab "Introduction to Text Analysis" Workshop, taught by Andy Halterman and Aidan Milliff.


  • text_analysis.Rmd: Code (and explanation) for the text analysis demos. We cover 1) sentiment analysis using sentiment dictionaries and tidytext, 2) topic modeling with stm, and 3) regularized logit classification with glmnet.
  • stm.RData: Loads a fitted STM model to save us time (and keep results consistent) during the workshop.
  • Workshop_Text_Pres.pdf: The slides!

Notably missing: train.csv, the data we use in the demos. Register here to get that file via email.