Hi there, I'm Aaron Hanson 👋

I'm a Fullstack Software Developer!!


  • 🔭 Currently Learning new Tech! AWS
  • 🌱 Currently looking for employment opportunities.
  • âš¡ Fun fact: I am a masterclass Satisfactory and Factorio player.

Spotify Playing 🎧

Spotify recently played

Connect with me:

Here is a convenient link to my portfolio website. https://ahan8927.github.io/Portfolio/

codeSTACKr | Twitter

codeSTACKr | LinkedIn

codeSTACKr | Instagram

Languages and Tools:

Visual Studio CodeHTML5 CSS3 Sass JavaScript React Node.js SQL MySQL MongoDB Git GitHub Terminal

📈 My GitHub Stats

If you enjoy what I make, pls buy me coffee. College kids will understand 😔

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