My Little Planet

Features MVP

  • BG Music
  • Planet Generation / Customization (Simulation)
  • Save / Load Planet data
  • View other planets.

Bonus Features

  • Spinning Planet
  • Surface viewer?
  • bomb
  • Procedural Generation
    • solar system view
      • Orbiting planets youve created.
    • galaxy view (will render the count of all users)
      • zooming to a solar system will render a random user
      • scroll outside solar system to visit other user's systems to see thier planet creations.
  • add moon


  • React

  • Reacte-Router-Dom

  • Material - UI???? maybe

  • Flask

  • Alembic

  • Docker

  • Unity

  • WebGL

Planet Customizations

  • Mass
  • Mountains
    • scale / height
    • freq
    • color
  • Water
    • size
    • depth
    • color
  • Color
  • Atmosphere (BONUS)
    • color
    • thickness