
Support for workshop on react-navigation

Primary LanguageTypeScript

Supports Expo iOS Supports Expo Android Supports Expo Web

TypeScript is a superset of JavaScript which gives you static types and powerful tooling in Visual Studio Code including autocompletion and useful inline warnings for type errors.

🚀 How to use

Creating a new project

  • Install the CLI: npm i -g expo-cli
  • Create a project: expo init --template expo-template-blank-typescript
  • cd into the project

Adding TypeScript to existing projects

  • Copy the tsconfig.json from this repo, or new typescript template
  • Add typescript dependencies: yarn add --dev @types/react @types/react-native typescript
  • Rename files tpo TypeScript, .tsx for React components and .ts for plain typescript files

📝 Notes

Workshop ✍️


We want to present the Alert to the user when the user presses the Show alert button.

We will follow the official documentation of react navigation.

Slide Overlay

We want to present a SlideOverlayExample to the user. To proceed we will have to implement custom cardStyleInterpolator. Check the documentation here

Tab navigator

Add a tabNavigator with 2 tabs: 'Today' and 'Profile' Each tab is only one screen.


Replace the Profile screen with a ProfileStackNavigator containing the Profile screen and a SettingScreen


We now want to add a description to the Alert component. Make sure the typings are safe.