
Complete 2023 to 2019 and 2016 to 2015 entries for the annual Advent of Code challenge, written in performant Rust.

Primary LanguageRustMIT LicenseMIT

Advent of Code checks-badge docs-badge

Complete 2023 to 2019 and 2016 to 2015 entries for the annual Advent of Code challenge, written in performant Rust.


  • Each solution is blazing fast, using the most efficient algorithms to the best of my knowledge.
  • Clean, elegant and idiomatic code.
  • Consistently formatted with rustfmt and linted by clippy.
  • Thoroughly commented with rustdoc generated documentation online.
  • Test coverage with continuous integration provided by GitHub Actions.
  • Self contained depending only on the stable std Rust library. No use of unsafe features.


Show details


Place input files in input/yearYYYY/dayDD.txt including leading zeroes. For example:

  • input/year2015/day23.txt
  • input/year2023/day02.txt


  • Everything cargo run
  • Specific year cargo run year2023
  • Specific day cargo run year2023::day01
  • Release profile (faster) cargo run --release
  • Optimized for current CPU architecture (fastest) RUSTFLAGS="-C target-cpu=native" cargo run --release


  • Everything cargo test
  • Specific year cargo test year2023
  • Specific day cargo test year2023::day01
  • Show STDOUT for debugging cargo test -- --nocapture


  • Everything cargo bench
  • Specific year cargo bench year2023
  • Specific day cargo bench year2023::day01


  • Build docs including private items cargo doc --document-private-items
  • Build doc then open HTML landing page cargo doc --document-private-items --open


  • Code quality lints cargo clippy
  • Consistent code formatting cargo fmt


Benchmarks are measured using the built-in cargo bench tool run on an Apple M2 Max. All 175 solutions from 2023 to 2019 and also 2016 to 2015 complete sequentially in 1.1 seconds. Interestingly 90% of the total time is spent on just 5 solutions. Performance is reasonable even on older hardware, for example a 2011 MacBook Pro with an Intel i7-2720QM processor takes 4.1 seconds to run the same 175 solutions.

%%{init: {"themeVariables": { "pie1": "#7cb5ec", "pie2": "#90ed7d", "pie3": "#f7a35c", "pie4": "#e4d354", "pie5": "#e4c4fb", "pie6": "#c6cdd5"}}}%%
    title Each year benchmark time by % of total
    "Year 2016" : 663
    "Year 2020" : 286
    "Year 2015" : 87
    "Years 2019, 2021, 2022 and 2023" : 52


%%{init: {"themeVariables": { "pie1": "#7cb5ec", "pie2": "#90ed7d", "pie3": "#f7a35c", "pie4": "#e4d354", "pie5": "#c6cdd5"}}}%%
    title Year 2023 benchmark time by % of total
    "Day 23" : 3181
    "Day 17" : 2463
    "Day 12" : 1150
    "Day 16" : 831
    "Others" : 2206
Day Problem Solution Benchmark (μs)
1 Trebuchet?! Source 35
2 Cube Conundrum Source 10
3 Gear Ratios Source 55
4 Scratchcards Source 18
5 If You Give A Seed A Fertilizer Source 13
6 Wait For It Source 1
7 Camel Cards Source 97
8 Haunted Wasteland Source 34
9 Mirage Maintenance Source 19
10 Pipe Maze Source 60
11 Cosmic Expansion Source 12
12 Hot Springs Source 1150
13 Point of Incidence Source 64
14 Parabolic Reflector Dish Source 661
15 Lens Library Source 83
16 The Floor Will Be Lava Source 831
17 Clumsy Crucible Source 2463
18 Lavaduct Lagoon Source 19
19 Aplenty Source 100
20 Pulse Propagation Source 6
21 Step Counter Source 180
22 Sand Slabs Source 41
23 A Long Walk Source 3181
24 Never Tell Me The Odds Source 96
25 Snowverload Source 157


%%{init: {"themeVariables": { "pie1": "#7cb5ec", "pie2": "#90ed7d", "pie3": "#f7a35c", "pie4": "#c6cdd5"}}}%%
    title Year 2022 benchmark time by % of total
    "Day 20" : 5067
    "Day 23" : 2017
    "Day 11" : 1172
    "Others" : 1145
Day Problem Solution Benchmark (μs)
1 Calorie Counting Source 14
2 Rock Paper Scissors Source 4
3 Rucksack Reorganization Source 15
4 Camp Cleanup Source 7
5 Supply Stacks Source 14
6 Tuning Trouble Source 3
7 No Space Left On Device Source 10
8 Treetop Tree House Source 55
9 Rope Bridge Source 122
10 Cathode-Ray Tube Source 2
11 Monkey in the Middle Source 1172
12 Hill Climbing Algorithm Source 59
13 Distress Signal Source 16
14 Regolith Reservoir Source 205
15 Beacon Exclusion Zone Source 2
16 Proboscidea Volcanium Source 60
17 Pyroclastic Flow Source 68
18 Boiling Boulders Source 129
19 Not Enough Minerals Source 71
20 Grove Positioning System Source 5067
21 Monkey Math Source 61
22 Monkey Map Source 55
23 Unstable Diffusion Source 2017
24 Blizzard Basin Source 80
25 Full of Hot Air Source 3


%%{init: {"themeVariables": { "pie1": "#7cb5ec", "pie2": "#90ed7d", "pie3": "#f7a35c", "pie4": "#c6cdd5"}}}%%
    title Year 2021 benchmark time by % of total
    "Day 15" : 2567
    "Day 20" : 2075
    "Day 23" : 1717
    "Others" : 2832
Day Problem Solution Benchmark (μs)
1 Sonar Sweep Source 6
2 Dive! Source 11
3 Binary Diagnostic Source 20
4 Giant Squid Source 11
5 Hydrothermal Venture Source 179
6 Lanternfish Source 1
7 The Treachery of Whales Source 1
8 Seven Segment Search Source 16
9 Smoke Basin Source 55
10 Syntax Scoring Source 33
11 Dumbo Octopus Source 58
12 Passage Pathing Source 27
13 Transparent Origami Source 32
14 Extended Polymerization Source 12
15 Chiton Source 2567
16 Packet Decoder Source 5
17 Trick Shot Source 7
18 Snailfish Source 461
19 Beacon Scanner Source 554
20 Trench Map Source 2075
21 Dirac Dice Source 282
22 Reactor Reboot Source 398
23 Amphipod Source 1717
24 Arithmetic Logic Unit Source 4
25 Sea Cucumber Source 621


%%{init: {"themeVariables": { "pie1": "#7cb5ec", "pie2": "#90ed7d", "pie3": "#c6cdd5"}}}%%
    title Year 2020 benchmark time by % of total
    "Day 15" : 160000
    "Day 23" : 110000
    "Others" : 16671
Day Problem Solution Benchmark (μs)
1 Report Repair Source 11
2 Password Philosophy Source 35
3 Toboggan Trajectory Source 11
4 Passport Processing Source 43
5 Binary Boarding Source 12
6 Custom Customs Source 35
7 Handy Haversacks Source 55
8 Handheld Halting Source 7
9 Encoding Error Source 9
10 Adapter Array Source 1
11 Seating System Source 4847
12 Rain Risk Source 11
13 Shuttle Search Source 1
14 Docking Data Source 79
15 Rambunctious Recitation Source 160000
16 Ticket Translation Source 102
17 Conway Cubes Source 414
18 Operation Order Source 26
19 Monster Messages Source 384
20 Jurassic Jigsaw Source 38
21 Allergen Assessment Source 51
22 Crab Combat Source 6105
23 Crab Cups Source 110000
24 Lobby Layout Source 4346
25 Combo Breaker Source 24


%%{init: {"themeVariables": { "pie1": "#7cb5ec", "pie2": "#90ed7d", "pie3": "#f7a35c", "pie4": "#e4d354", "pie5": "#c6cdd5"}}}%%
    title Year 2019 benchmark time by % of total
    "Day 16" : 4124
    "Day 13" : 3492
    "Day 25" : 2721
    "Day 21" : 2265
    "Others" : 10445
Day Problem Solution Benchmark (μs)
1 The Tyranny of the Rocket Equation Source 1
2 1202 Program Alarm Source 1
3 Crossed Wires Source 19
4 Secure Container Source 7
5 Sunny with a Chance of Asteroids Source 3
6 Universal Orbit Map Source 28
7 Amplification Circuit Source 275
8 Space Image Format Source 5
9 Sensor Boost Source 1356
10 Monitoring Station Source 1001
11 Space Police Source 470
12 The N-Body Problem Source 1024
13 Care Package Source 3492
14 Space Stoichiometry Source 17
15 Oxygen System Source 442
16 Flawed Frequency Transmission Source 4124
17 Set and Forget Source 425
18 Many-Worlds Interpretation Source 1077
19 Tractor Beam Source 817
20 Donut Maze Source 191
21 Springdroid Adventure Source 2265
22 Slam Shuffle Source 11
23 Category Six Source 871
24 Planet of Discord Source 139
25 Cryostasis Source 2721


Day Problem Solution Benchmark (μs)
1 Inverse Captcha Source 1
2 Corruption Checksum Source 3
3 Spiral Memory Source 2
4 High-Entropy Passphrases Source 94
5 A Maze of Twisty Trampolines, All Alike Source 48000
6 Memory Reallocation Source 81
7 Recursive Circus Source 85
8 I Heard You Like Registers Source 46
9 Stream Processing Source 13
10 Knot Hash Source 61
11 Hex Ed Source 20
12 Digital Plumber Source 59
13 Packet Scanners Source 2
14 Disk Defragmentation Source 422


%%{init: {"themeVariables": { "pie1": "#7cb5ec", "pie2": "#90ed7d", "pie3": "#c6cdd5"}}}%%
    title Year 2016 benchmark time by % of total
    "Day 14" : 434000
    "Day 5" : 212000
    "Others" : 16696
Day Problem Solution Benchmark (μs)
1 No Time for a Taxicab Source 3
2 Bathroom Security Source 9
3 Squares With Three Sides Source 26
4 Security Through Obscurity Source 75
5 How About a Nice Game of Chess? Source 212000
6 Signals and Noise Source 5
7 Internet Protocol Version 7 Source 354
8 Two-Factor Authentication Source 10
9 Explosives in Cyberspace Source 6
10 Balance Bots Source 17
11 Radioisotope Thermoelectric Generators Source 785
12 Leonardo's Monorail Source 1
13 A Maze of Twisty Little Cubicles Source 4
14 One-Time Pad Source 434000
15 Timing is Everything Source 1
16 Dragon Checksum Source 1
17 Two Steps Forward Source 14254
18 Like a Rogue Source 743
19 An Elephant Named Joseph Source 1
20 Firewall Rules Source 23
21 Scrambled Letters and Hash Source 10
22 Grid Computing Source 31
23 Safe Cracking Source 1
24 Air Duct Spelunking Source 335
25 Clock Signal Source 1


%%{init: {"themeVariables": { "pie1": "#7cb5ec", "pie2": "#90ed7d", "pie3": "#c6cdd5"}}}%%
    title Year 2015 benchmark time by % of total
    "Day 4" : 76000
    "Day 6" : 5780
    "Others" : 3037
Day Problem Solution Benchmark (μs)
1 Not Quite Lisp Source 2
2 I Was Told There Would Be No Math Source 8
3 Perfectly Spherical Houses in a Vacuum Source 100
4 The Ideal Stocking Stuffer Source 76000
5 Doesn't He Have Intern-Elves For This? Source 39
6 Probably a Fire Hazard Source 5780
7 Some Assembly Required Source 27
8 Matchsticks Source 12
9 All in a Single Night Source 35
10 Elves Look, Elves Say Source 14
11 Corporate Policy Source 1
12 JSAbacusFramework.io Source 80
13 Knights of the Dinner Table Source 39
14 Reindeer Olympics Source 28
15 Science for Hungry People Source 41
16 Aunt Sue Source 21
17 No Such Thing as Too Much Source 43
18 Like a GIF For Your Yard Source 161
19 Medicine for Rudolph Source 188
20 Infinite Elves and Infinite Houses Source 1671
21 RPG Simulator 20XX Source 3
22 Wizard Simulator 20XX Source 257
23 Opening the Turing Lock Source 6
24 It Hangs in the Balance Source 360
25 Let It Snow Source 1