
React component that uses Google Places API with Material-UI Autocomplete

Primary LanguageJavaScript


React component that uses Google Places API AutocompleteService, Google Maps Geocoder, and Material-UI AutoComplete to replicate Google Places Autocomplete search dropdown in Material-UI. Returns latitude and longitude from selected item.

Useful Links:

To get started:

Include script tag in html file:

  <script src="https://maps.googleapis.com/maps/api/js?libraries=places"></script>

Install package:

$ npm install material-ui-autocomplete-google-places

Basic Use Case:

import GooglePlaceAutocomplete from 'material-ui-autocomplete-google-places';

class App extends React.Component {
  // Results from clicking on location
  getCoords(lat, lng){
    console.log(lat, lng);

  render() {
    return (
      <MuiThemeProvider muiTheme={getMuiTheme()}>
        	// Function to return lat and lng

Optional Parameters for Google Places AutocompletionRequest object:

  // Function to return lat and lng

  // AutocompletionRequest object specification
  componentRestrictions={{country: 'au'}}

Available properties for GooglePlaceAutocomplete:

  • anchorOrigin
  • animated - default: true
  • animation
  • errorStyle
  • errorText
  • floatingLabelText
  • fullWidth - default: true
  • hintText - default: ' '
  • listStyle
  • maxSearchResults
  • menuCloseDelay
  • menuStyle
  • onClose
  • open - default: false
  • style
  • targetOrigin
  • textFieldStyle

Edit dropdown menu via:

  • menuItemStyle

Defaults for menuItemStyle

style={this.props.menuItemStyle || {
  fontSize: 13,
  display: 'block',
  paddingRight: 20,
  overflow: 'hidden',

See repo for more details.


This package is licensed under the terms of MIT License. See the LICENSE file for further information.