
Primary LanguageJava

Monitoring Service


If you don't have gradle installed on your server, replace gradle with ./gradlew to use gradle wrapper

Straight run

  • From the project root:
    gradle bootRun
    Building jar
  • From the project root:
    gradle build
    java -jar build/libs/monitor-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar
  • API docs:
    Run tests
  • From the project root:
    gradle test



  • I didn't use anything like lombok, by a reason :)
  • There is a possibility to chose different implementation for scheduler(TriggerTask, etc.). However, Quartz Scheduler was chosen by me because I have never worked with it and was curious about it. Looks good to me.
  • Created minimal test coverage just to let you understand, that there is no problem for me.
  • I didn't include checkstyle, as long as this is just test task :) Usually, I use it

URL For up status: https://api.test.paysafe.com/ For down status: Everything else