Full Stack React

This repository combines the code from create-react-app with a Node.js Express server.


  1. Fork or Use Template to make a copy of this repository.
  2. Clone the repository to your computer.
  3. Make sure Postgres is running.
  4. Create a database named full-stack-react
  5. Run the SQL from database.sql
  6. npm install

Running the Server

Open a terminal window in VS Code and type:

npm run server

Leave that terminal running and open a new terminal window and type:

npm run client

When using a Node.js Express server with React, you will need two terminal tabs open to run your app. npm run server starts your Node.js Express server and allows your app to communicate with the database. npm run client starts the React development server which is responsible for live reloading and error checking.

Changing the server port

If you change your server port, you must update the package.json to include the new port and restart your client (ctrl c followed by npm run client). The proxy url is what allows the React app to talk to the Node.js Express server. If the ports are different you will see a 403 error in the console.