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This repository holds code associated with work for the American Plaice 2021 Working Group ToR4. Preliminary files correspond to models fit to VPA data prior to final WG ToR2&3 data decisions. Preliminary data may not match the data used in VPA-WHAM bridge runs and these preliminary analyses should be viewed as a WHAM learning exercise. Files used in WG analysis include "WG" in the description below.
A folder containing recommended fixes for the preliminary plaice model (using VPA data) and wham examples including environmental impacts on catchability.
File | Description |
Plaice_noMADMF.dat | Copy of data file to run preliminary plaice model, excludes MADMF surveys. |
example.R | Walks through resolving selectivity problem for preliminary models, catchability examples. |
doodles.R | Additional preliminary WHAM debugging |
A folder containing ASAP input data files for WG modeling.
File | Description |
PlaiceASAP1-2019VPAINPUT.DAT | WG data file to run VPA-ASAP bridge run, also used for VPA-WHAM bridge run. Includes age-independent indices. |
PlaiceWHAM1-2019VPAINPUT.DAT | WG data file to run VPA-WHAM bridge run, same data as the above file but indices are biomass aggregated. |
PlaiceWHAM-2019.DAT | WG data file containing updated data following WG decisions (additional year of catch data, updated indices, updated maturity, M=0.3, 11+ group for NEFSC indices). |
PlaiceWHAM-2019_selectivity.DAT | WG data file containing updated data as in above file but change selectivity settings for NEFSC surveys so selectivity-at-age estimated. Often overwritten in R WHAM model specification. |
PlaiceWHAM-2019_selectivity.DAT | WG data file similar to PlaiceWHAM-2019_selectivity.DAT but with revised maturity-at-age to correct error. |
PlaiceWHAM-2019_VPAMaturity.DAT | WG data file containing updated data and selectivity as in above file EXCEPT for the maturity which matches that in the VPA-WHAM bridge run (PlacieWHAM1-2019VPAINPUT.DAT). |
PlaiceWHAM-2019_revised_NEFSC-LW-WAA.DAT | WG data file containing revised updated data including: revised catch-at-age, catch WAA, and Jan1 WAA (from AMP_Tables and Figures_USETHIS_REVISED.xlsx tables 13-17) as well as revised NEFSC spring and fall mean predicted WAA calculated using the L-W relationship (from Plaice NEFSC Survey Weight at Age v3.xlsx L-W tab). |
PlaiceWHAM-2019_revised_NEFSC-LW-WAA.DAT | WG data file with updated data to reflect WG decisions (additional year of catch data, updated indices, updated maturity, M=0.3, 11+ group for NEFSC indices), revised discard data (estimated rather than imputed as in PlaiceWHAM-2019.DAT), also correct NEFSC survey NAA to include 11+ group rather than 10+, survey WAA use L-W calculation and resolve error so catch total is biomass rather than numbers. |
PlaiceWHAM-2019_revised_NEFSC-LW-WAA_2SelBlock.DAT | WG data file same revisions as above but includes two selectivity blocks for the fleet (1980-1999, 2000-2019). |
PlaiceWHAM-2019_revised_NEFSC-LW-WAA_2SelBlock_changeESS.DAT | WG data file same revisions as above but changes catch effective sample size from 100 to 30 and index ESS from 50 to 30 as in the ASAP run 12. |
PlaiceWHAM-2019_revised_NEFSC-LW-WAA_VPA-MAT.DAT | WG data file with same revisions as above and updated data EXCEPT for maturity which matches that in the VPA-WHAM bridge run (PlacieWHAM1-2019VPAINPUT.DAT). |
Format_Updated_Plaice_Data_revised.xlsx | Excel file used to format data for inclusion in .DAT files, sheets include description of source files from which data was compiled (i.e. files generated as part of ToR2&3). |
A folder containing WG model runs with revised data: revised discards (estimated rather than imputed), accompanying changes in CAA, correct NEFSC survey NAA to include 11+ group rather than 10+, survey WAA use L-W calculation and resolve error so catch total is biomass rather than numbers. See folder's README for overview of specific runs.
All files containing WG runs are noted in the description.
File | Description |
Plaice.dat | Preliminary ASAP data file containing all survey and fishery data from VPA. |
Plaice_noMADMF.dat | Preliminary ASAP data file including fishery data from VPA, excludes MADMF surveys. |
Plaice_WHAM.Rmd | Preliminary modeling script to read in, process, and fit model to plaice VPA data. Several iterations to improve selectivity specification following recommendations in wham_setup/example.R |
Plaice_Bridge_Run.Rmd | WG R markdown document to run VPA-WHAM bridge runs. |
Plaice_Baseline_UpdatedData_Runs.Rmd | WG R markdown document detailing WHAM model runs using updated data. |