Repo for 'Predicting wave heights for marine design by prioritizing extreme events in a global model'
This is the repository for the paper 'Predicting wave heights for marine design by prioritizing extreme events in a global model' by A. F. Haselsteiner and K.-D. Thoben.
Published paper:
A preprint is freely available at .
The repo contains the following things:
- Matlab files to reproduce all figures that are presented in the paper (folder 'figures-and-tables')
- CreateAllFigures.m creates all figures
- CreateFigure1.m creates Figure 1 (and so forth)
- Matlab files to reproduce all tables that contain results of the analysis (folder 'figures-and-tables')
- CreateAllTables.m creates all tables
- CreateTable3.m creates Table 3 (and so forth)
- Matlab workspaces that contain the used datasets and the fitted distributions (folder 'workspaces')
- datasets-provided-ABCDEF.mat holds the provided datasets (A, B, C, ...)
- datasets-retained-ABCDEF.mat holds the retained datasets (Ar, Br, Cr, ...)
- fitted-distributions.mat holds the fitted distributions (alternatively, they can be fitted by using the function fitDistributions.m)
- Matlab classes for the four considered distributions
- ExponentiatedWeibull.m (the class has its own repository, )
- TranslatedWeibull.m (the class has its own repository, )
- Beta3pSecondKind.m (the class has its own repository, )
- GeneralizedGamma.m (the class has its own repository, )
To download this repository and its submodules use
git clone --recurse-submodules
Alternatively, you can use the download button of this repository and separately download the submodules (,,,
The code requires Matlab with the Statistics and Machine Learning Toolbox. The code was written in Matlab R2019a.