
Repo for 'Predicting wave heights for marine design by prioritizing extreme events in a global model' https://doi.org/10.1016/j.renene.2020.04.112

Primary LanguageMATLAB

Repo for 'Predicting wave heights for marine design by prioritizing extreme events in a global model'

This is the repository for the paper 'Predicting wave heights for marine design by prioritizing extreme events in a global model' by A. F. Haselsteiner and K.-D. Thoben.

Published paper: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.renene.2020.04.112

A preprint is freely available at https://arxiv.org/pdf/1911.12835.pdf .

The repo contains the following things:

  • Matlab files to reproduce all figures that are presented in the paper (folder 'figures-and-tables')
    • CreateAllFigures.m creates all figures
    • CreateFigure1.m creates Figure 1 (and so forth)
  • Matlab files to reproduce all tables that contain results of the analysis (folder 'figures-and-tables')
    • CreateAllTables.m creates all tables
    • CreateTable3.m creates Table 3 (and so forth)
  • Matlab workspaces that contain the used datasets and the fitted distributions (folder 'workspaces')
    • datasets-provided-ABCDEF.mat holds the provided datasets (A, B, C, ...)
    • datasets-retained-ABCDEF.mat holds the retained datasets (Ar, Br, Cr, ...)
    • fitted-distributions.mat holds the fitted distributions (alternatively, they can be fitted by using the function fitDistributions.m)
  • Matlab classes for the four considered distributions

Download and use the repository

To download this repository and its submodules use

git clone --recurse-submodules https://github.com/ahaselsteiner/2019-paper-predicting-wave-heights.git

Alternatively, you can use the download button of this repository and separately download the submodules (https://github.com/ahaselsteiner/exponentiated-weibull, https://github.com/ahaselsteiner/translated-weibull, https://github.com/ahaselsteiner/generalized-gamma, https://github.com/ahaselsteiner/beta-3p-second-kind).

The code requires Matlab with the Statistics and Machine Learning Toolbox. The code was written in Matlab R2019a.