
A peer-to-peer microblogging NFT platform for EVM-like blockchains

Apache License 2.0Apache-2.0

🦔 Critter

A peer-to-peer microblogging NFT platform for EVM-like blockchains

Core concepts

Given the advertising and data-mining middlemen of traditional digital content, and the emerging NFT market for said content, Critter was born.

Utilizing ownership fundamentals and financial incentives, Critter consolidates the full content pipeline – creation, virality, and reward. Through that process, it aims to empower makers to leverage the possibilities of blockchain to forge a new, more transparent system that can serve them directly.

  • Every address is a unique user.
  • Users can follow one another.
  • Every post (called a squeak) is an NFT.
  • Squeaks can be bought & sold via a bidding price discovery mechanism.
  • Once the author sells their squeak, the ownership is transferred to a new user.
  • Interactions (like, dislike, & resqueaks) cost a fee.
  • Fees for positive interactions (like & resqueak) are paid out to the owner of the squeak (not necessarily the original author).
  • Negative interactions (dislike) or undoing positive interactions will be paid to Critter.
  • Only owners can delete squeaks.
  • Deleting a squeak costs a fee of blocks elapsed x deletion fee.
  • Every squeak has a "virality" score that is tracked on-chain.
  • When a squeak goes "viral", future profits from that point on are split among the owner and those who helped it go viral (likers & resqueakers).


The Critter monorepo and all of its submodules can be installed by cloning the project recursively:

git clone https://github.com/ahashim/critter.git --recursive


Critter is built using the CQRS pattern:

  • Webserver server-side renders the frontend.
  • Frontend posts directly to the smart-contracts via ethers.js
  • Indexer ingests & writes events monotonically from the contract into the database.
  • Webserver will serve read requests from the frontend via the database.


  • Design & test algorithms with the help of matplotlib + numpy (and some "good old-fashioned" calculus).

Smart Contracts

  • All smart contracts are written in Solidity & deployed to an EVM compatible Layer 2 solution.
  • Contracts are pausable & upgradeable in order to safely add features & fix bugs in an iterative manner.
    • Existing storage variables will always remain, and only be appended to.
    • New functionality will be added via additional contracts and/or deploying new versions of existing contract methods.
  • Deploying to an L2 such as zkSync is the currently the cheapest option in regards to fees & marketplace-liquidity.


  • Server written in Golang.
    • Using Ent ORM to make graph traversal across followers easier to manage.
    • Server side rendering via go templates.
  • Indexer will be a separate process spawned from the server repo (to share config & ORM objects).
  • Local LRU cache layer for reading high volume squeak content via redis.
  • Session store via redis.


  • Initial desktop & mobile user interface written in HTML/CSS/Typescript using:


  • Redis for in-memory cache layer.
    • Can be used to store sessions.


  • All contract events emitted on-chain will be replicated the database to read from via the ORM.
  • A single postgres instance with a replica should suffice.


  • Search cluster will be powered by Typesense
    • Uses Raft algorithm to maintain durability, so 3 nodes are sufficient.
  • API keys generated on a per client basis to directly have clients hit search servers (with limited permissions).

Project Roadmap

  • ERC721 interface compatability.
  • Create account.
  • Update username.
  • Post squeak.
  • Delete squeak.
  • Upgradeable contracts via UUPS proxy pattern.
  • CRTTR console for local contract interaction.
  • Platform Fees + P2P user payments.
  • Liking a squeak & undoing a like.
  • Disliking a squeak & undoing a dislike.
  • Resqueaking & undoing a resqueak.
  • Adding a withdraw function to transfer funds out from the treasury.
  • Develop & implement "virality" algorithm.
  • Scout & scout pool payments.
  • Treasurer ability to manage platform fees for different interactions.
  • Account moderation via account statuses.
  • Relationships: following & followers users.
  • Relationships: blocking & unblocking users.
  • Harden contract with security best practices.
  • Fuzz testing with Echidna.
  • Deploy to an EVM compatible layer 2 solution zkSync.
    • Ensure its deployed via UUPS upgradeable proxy.
  • Server controller logic + frontend design.
  • Public API.
  • Auction mechanism to bid on posted squeaks.
  • Media support for squeaks via IPFS (images, video, documents, etc…).
  • Support for transaction-hash based generative art 🎨.