- ArvurMoscow, Russia
- awenewa
- baeckerg
- betwinyou
- cxflag203
- DelphiGit
- DiGiin the middle of nowhere
- ebtaebsoft
- EgorovAlex
- ForinGermany
- gdegliespostiBologna, ITALY
- issamalidevSyria
- JordiCorbillaBalyasny Asset Management
- kazarus
- KirillT1
- landrixLandrix Software
- mapopescuPC PAL
- marcobreveglieriABLS Team Snc (@ablsteam)
- monderaMondera
- nsutclifCanada
- ohodoa
- pedrolopixCentralGest
- qiusl
- rildomoraesFortaleza, Ceará, Brasil
- ronaldhoekComponentAgro B.V.
- RoutineOp
- salvadorbs
- sgnah
- SimaWBSimaWB
- te1
- thecocce
- thomaserlangDenmark
- TommiPrami-
- tzal
- ziv2015