
Tooling for spinning up Kafka setups in docker-compose that roughly follows Chapter 2 of Kafka: The Definitive Guide, 2nd Edition.

Quick Start

(terminal 1)
❯ make start-cluster

(terminal 2)
❯ bin/consumer localhost:29092 partition-1 test-group-1
[DEBUG] Consuming from topic partition-1

(terminal 3)
❯ bin/producer localhost:29092 partition-1 5 5
[DEBUG] Topic partition-1
[DEBUG] Batches 5 of size 5 with 1 second delay


❯ make help
clean-%                        Clean target deployment stack for the given stem.
start-%                        Start target deployment stack for the given stem.
stop-%                         Stop target deployment stack for the given stem.
restart-broker-%               Restart broker for the given stem id.
start-broker-%                 Start v2 broker for the given stem id.
stop-broker-%                  Stop v2 broker for the given stem id.
pause-broker-%                 Pause v2 broker for the given stem id.
resume-broker-%                Resume v2 broker for the given stem id.
pause-zk                       Pause zookeeper.
resume-zk                      Resume zookeeper.
help                           Show help/usage.


There is one available stacks to run:

  • cluster - This runs a 3 broker Kafka cluster with 1 Zookeeper node. Config (here)[deploy/docker/cluster].

Running a stack

Simply run make start, make stop, and make clean with the stack version of your choice.

❯ make start-cluster
❯ make stop-cluster
❯ make clean-cluster

Topic Creation

The stacks have a helper script and CSV file (found here) that creates topics for you.

By default, the following are created:

Name Partitions Replication Factor
partition-1 1 1
partition-3 3 1

Altering Configuration

Let's say we want to alter a topic configuration outlined in the book. Let's open a shell and run some commands.

# Open a shell.
❯ make shell-broker-1

# List all topics.
[appuser@3dd3d054cbc0 ~]$ kafka-topics --bootstrap-server kafka_1:9091 --list

# Show configuration for topic partition-1
[appuser@3dd3d054cbc0 ~]$ kafka-topics --bootstrap-server kafka_1:9091 --describe --topic partition-1
Topic: partition-1	TopicId: fTavOk4dTJeq6LxffXPGEg	PartitionCount: 1	ReplicationFactor: 1	Configs: cleanup.policy=delete
	Topic: partition-1	Partition: 0	Leader: 2	Replicas: 2	Isr: 2

# Alter configuration for topic partition-1 (set retention bytes to 1MB).
[appuser@3dd3d054cbc0 ~]$ kafka-configs --bootstrap-server kafka_1:9091 --alter --entity-type topics --entity-name partition-1 --add-config retention.bytes=1048576
Completed updating config for topic partition-1.

# Show configuration to see change.
[appuser@3dd3d054cbc0 ~]$ kafka-topics --bootstrap-server kafka_1:9091 --describe --topic partition-1
Topic: partition-1	TopicId: fTavOk4dTJeq6LxffXPGEg	PartitionCount: 1	ReplicationFactor: 1	Configs: cleanup.policy=delete,retention.bytes=1048576
	Topic: partition-1	Partition: 0	Leader: 2	Replicas: 2	Isr: 2


In Chapter 2 of the book, it will discuss many of the configuration values available for configuring Kafka. These don't match our setup here identically because we configure the brokers via environment variables instead of configuration files.

Environment variables are all uppercase and prefixed with KAFKA_. That's it. For example: