
Automation for configuring my machines with Ansible

Primary LanguageShell


Automated setup of my machines using Ansible. Currently supports OSX. Supported Platforms:

  • OSX

OSX Configuration

  • Homebrew with taps, casks, and standard brew packages
  • The lovely mas (with custom ansible modules, see library) for Mac App store automation.
  • Secrets management via security CLI for OSX Keychain

Manual Steps

  1. possiblity do an initial login to the App Store.
  2. Set all keys in OSX Keychain


Machines can be configured one of two ways. script/rsync can rsync this repo to a remote machine over ssh. Then run script/configure over SSH. This method is for provisoning a new machine from an old one (say over SSH). Otherwise the repository can be cloned to the target machine and run script/configure. This will ask for the sudo password upfront.


This repository automates the setup of a new machine with as little manual work as possible. At high level this means:

  1. Installing software
  2. Cloning my dotfiles
  3. Cloning my bindir
  4. Generating configuration for the machine to have all three work together.

Here's the file layout:

├── README.md
├── configure-minikube.yml      # Configure Minikube environments
├── configure-osx-dock.yml      # Arrange OSX Dock
├── configure-osx-packages.yml  # Install software for an OSX environment
├── configure-osx.yml           # Include all playbooks for OSX
├── configure-saltside.yml      # Setup Saltside (work) environment
├── configure-shell.yml         # Setup my shell
├── configure-ssh.yml           # Configure generic SSH settings
├── files
│   ├── env                     # Shell source file; intended by sourced in shell boot
│   └── saltside                # Role specific files
│       └── env.sh
├── group_vars
│   └── all.yml
├── library
│   ├── mas_app.py              # Ansible module for install Mac Store apps
│   ├── mas_login.py            # Ansible mobule to manage Mac Store login
│   ├── osx_dock.py             # Add/remove/order OSX Dock items
│   └── vagrant_plugin.py       # Add/remove vagrant plugins
├── lookup_plugins
│   └── secret.py               # Use secrets at provision time
└── script
    ├── configure               # Main script
    └── rsync                   # Util to rsync code to remote machine

Ansible playbooks do the bulk of the work. There are platform specific playbooks (e.g. foo-osx) and non-platform specific playbooks. There is a main playbook per platform (configure-osx.yml) that includes all relevant playbooks. script/configure runs the whole process. It bootstraps the particular platform (installs ansible and supporting libraries) then runs platform's playbook.

The setup does not rely on secrets in code, rather it uses a custom lookup plugin to read secrets from a store. Generated shell files use the comp-secret command and subshells to export relevant environment variables.

Known Issues

  • OSX Provisioning cannot run over SSH. mas fails when used over SSH. Also you must confirm key chain access in the GUI.

Forking & Customizing

This code is primarily designed for my structure but it's keep somewhat extensible to least support different platforms. You can fork this repo for your own setup. If you do, you'll want to customize:

  • script/bootstrap to add support for your platform (based on uname -a
  • Create your own comp-secret to read secrets for your shell.
  • If you don't use fish, then update the generated shell files for your shell
  • Update the keyring configuration for the lookup plugin to support your secret store or swap for your own implementation.