
ESODA project

Primary LanguagePython

ESODA Project

Project home for ESODA (http://www.esoda.org)


0. Install Python 2.7.

1. Install prerequisite python packages

Using virtualenv is recommended. Create a fresh environment named venv in the project's root folder.

(venv) pip install -U -r requirements.txt

(Optional, only for deployment. Never do this during developing.) Install the latest Java runtime. Download and deploy the latest Stanford CoreNLP Server

java -mx8g -cp "path/to/stanford-corenlp-full-XXXX-XX-XX/*" edu.stanford.nlp.pipeline.StanfordCoreNLPServer -port 9000

where XXXX-XX-XX is the version number of Stanford CoreNLP

2. Create and Modify Essential Settings

As the project uses python-decouple you will need to create a file named .env on the root of the project. You can copy from .env.example as following:


The project also uses dj-database-url, so in the .env file you should set the DATABASE_URL as:

# (on Windows)
# (on Linux)

Ask team Slack for other sensitive settings marked with ???. (You should NEVER commit setting files containing passwords to Github, of course.)

3. Syncdb and Load Test Data

python manage.py migrate
python manage.py loaddata test_db.json

If syncdb fails, check the DATABASE_URL in your .env file.

(Optional, for deployment) Django's translation framework for multilingual interface

Install gettext toolset and add gettext/bin/ to PATH

Then compile the translation files for use:

python manage.py compilemessages

4. Runserver

python manage.py runserver

Then have fun searching!

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