
Creates a strings.xml file by Google auto-translating an input strings.xml file

Primary LanguagePython

String Translator

This Python script automates the translation of strings in an XML file to multiple languages using Google Translate. It also includes a standalone executable for Windows users.


  • Python 3.x
  • aiohttp library (install using pip install aiohttp)


Clone the repository to your local machine:

git clone https://github.com/your-username/string-translator.git

Navigate to the project directory:

cd string-translator

Install the required Python dependencies:

pip install aiohttp

For Windows users, download the standalone executable stringtranslator.exe from the Releases section of this repository.


Using Python Script


  • Input XML file with strings to be translated (strings.xml)
  • Input language code (e.g., en for English)
  • Output language codes for desired translations


python translate_strings.py <input_file> <input_language> <output_languages>

Replace <input_file> with the path to your input XML file containing strings to be translated.

Replace <input_language> with the language code of the input strings (e.g., en for English).

Replace <output_languages> with a space-separated list of language codes for the desired output languages. If not specified, the script translates to a predefined set of languages.


python translate_strings.py strings.xml en fr es

This command translates the strings from strings.xml (English) to French and Spanish.

Using Standalone Executable (Windows)

For Windows users, simply double-click on stringtranslator.exe to run the translation process. Follow the on-screen instructions to input the necessary information, such as the input file, input language, and output languages.

Additional Notes

  • The out directory will be created to store the translated output.
  • Ensure proper network connectivity for translation using Google Translate.
  • Review and update the predefined set of output languages in the script as needed.


Contributions are welcome! If you have any suggestions or improvements, feel free to open an issue or submit a pull request.


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.