
Twig extensions and functions for Drupal 8

Primary LanguagePHP

NewCity Twig Extensions

A Drupal 8 module to provide some useful Twig extensions and functions

Currently includes:


Render helpers

  • resize(style): resize an image with an image style; returns image render array
  • flattenfield: traverse and flatten a render array
  • smarttrim(wordCount): a smarter truncation function (Example: content.field_text|render|striptags|smarttrim(n))
  • alias: get path alias for an entity

Project-specific but potentially useful

  • multilinesuperhead: Break a multiline heading by wrapping all words except the last in <small>

Debug helpers

  • nocomment : removes HTML comments from markup
  • firstlevel : debug dump only the top level of a render array


  • uniqid() : generate a unique ID with PHP's uniqid()