
write fmf files

Primary LanguagePython

# -*- coding: utf-8; -*-
Copyright (c) 2011, Rectorate of the University of Freiburg
All rights reserved.

simplefmf is a small module to write full metadata format
(fmfi) files. It is easy to use and gives a very lightwight
way to write fmf files as described in

Since simplefmf is simple it does only provide very small
sanity and syntax checks. So it is up to you to write
propper fmf files.



To install simplefmf you need:

   * python (2.4 is minimum)
   * setuptools

if you also like to run the tests you need:

   * nose

Running the tests:

To run the tests simply run:

   "python setup.py nosetests"

if you like to get more output run:

   "python setup.py nosetests --verbosity=2"

User-specific installation:

To install simplefmf in your home dir,
you should run:

   "python setup.py install --user"

And take care that your PYTHONPATH includes
the approbiate directory.

System-wide installation:

For a system-wide installation (permission is
needed) you run:

   "python setup.py install"