
Repository containing the developing of the RAMI Ontology

Apache License 2.0Apache-2.0


Repository containing the developing of the RAMI vocabulary. This semantically enriched data model is based on the Plattform Industrie 4.0 specification Details of the Asset Administration Shell - Part 1. This repository provides an RDF version of the specification,

The ontology itself is contained in rami.ttl. You can find a visualization of the latest version can be created using the WebVOwl API.


The mapping folder contains a template of RML TripleMaps for Asset Administration Shell documents in XML. A mapping from JSON to RDF is not yet included. In addition, an example mapping file for a Raspberry Pi demo AAS (see examples) in various serializations is supplied.

Schema Validation

The schema files are encoded as SHACL shapes.


The derivation of new facts (see reasoning) can be implemented using N3 rules as specified by Linked Data-Fu.

HowTo Use

Although the ontology and all the other supplied files can be displayed by any text editor, Protege is the tool of choice. As previously mentioned, WebVOwl is a great service to create visualizations.

In order to execute the mapping, clone and build the RML Mapper.

java -jar rmlmapper-4.3.3-r95.jar -v -m AssetAdministrationShell_examples/Raspberry_Pi_3b_plus/aasx/iais_fraunhofer_de_en_aas_examples/iais_fraunhofer_de_en_aas_examples_raspberry_pi_3b_plus.aas.xml -s turtle -o output-file.ttl

The SHACL validation process requires the installation of the TopBraid SHACL API

shaclvalidate.sh -datafile output-file.ttl -shapesfile schema/AAS-Shape.ttl

The N3 reasoning rules can be applied through Linked Data-Fu:

<LDFu Home>/bin/ldfu.sh -i output-file.ttl -p reasoning/rami-rulesets/rami-rl.n3 -o output-with-reasoning.nt