
error -"user did not confirm javascript access was enabled. exiting due to insufficient permissions"

ginakiele5 opened this issue · 21 comments

Got an error on first run: cannot get window id1907. Also got this: "user did not confirm javascript access was enabled. exiting due to insufficient permissions." Does anyone know how to fix it?

@ginakiele5 Did you enable "Allow JavaScript from Apple Events"? I recently updated the Instructions with this how-to video. Please check it out the video to ensure you have the right permissions enabled let me know if you're still having issues. Thanks!

@ginakiele5 Is the script working for you now? Asking so I know whether to close this issue out.

@ginakiele5 No worries about inundation. In fact, I appreciate the updates. Are you possibly quitting Safari or closing the window used by the script at any point?

@ginakiele5 Great to hear that it's working for you now. I'd still love to find out what was causing your issue, so if you encounter it again, could you please follow these steps in this video I made for you to share the script's log with me? That might help me identify the cause.

Re: the unsuccessful slots, unfortunately you may encounter many more these. You may have read my disclaimer about them. At one point got 20+ "phantom slots" while running the script for 72 hours straight before finally being able to checkout at 2:16am. Wish you luck in getting a slot. Keep me posted on any success/issues you encounter.

@ginakiele5 appreciate the updates. Not sure if you saw my comment above but could you please follow these steps in this video I made for you to share the script's log with me? That might help me identify the cause. If that doesn't help, perhaps we can screen-share to get to the bottom of it.