
Doing Harm

nipper3000 opened this issue · 1 comments

I appreciate the spirit in which you created this project, however I believe you are going to be doing more harm than good, and excluding exactly the demographic you intended to serve. Disabled and older shut in’s are unlikely to have an expensive Mac computer, and will be completely unaware of your project and likely unable to utilize it due to it’s technology barrier, (even if they were aware).

As an example, I care for my mom full time, and because of this virus I can’t leave the house but rely on internet delivery services such as Amazon Fresh to receive food. My mom is lucky to have me scouring the internet for delivery options, which is not easy, but most of the people you are trying to help do not have a full time, fairly tech savvy caregiver. But now, because I don’t have a Mac, I will not be able to get her delivery slots as easily, (I haven’t found one in days), and of course it will get much worse as your project gains popularity with the tech savvy, git hub community, which the disabled and elderly are often not a part of.
I don’t know how you put this genie back in the bottle, but I truly feel you are making it much harder for the elderly and needy to receive shipment of needed supplies from Amazon.