
restful api for jmeter perf tests

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JmeterApi, an automated administrative Wrapper for Jmeter on your Linux and Unix systems, performs administrative tasks (such as manage projects, keep track on runs) based on a centralized specification.


Generally, you need the following things installed:

  • A supported Ruby version. Ruby 1.8.7, and 1.9.2 are fully supported (with a handful of known issues under 1.9.2); Other versions of Ruby are used at your own risk, and Ruby 1.8.6, 1.9.0, and 1.9.1 are not recommended for compatibility reasons.

  • The Ruby OpenSSL library. For some reason, this often isn't included in the main ruby distributions. You can test for it by running 'ruby -ropenssl -e "puts :yep"'. If that errors out, you're missing the library.

    If your distribution doesn't come with the necessary library (e.g., on Debian and Ubuntu you need to install libopenssl-ruby), then you'll probably have to compile Ruby yourself, since it's part of the standard library and not available separately. You could probably just compile and install that one library, though.


See LICENSE file.


Please log tickets and issues at andreas.heumaier at microsoft.com