
This is a simple voice app to demonstrate a way to use Dialogflow contexts in conversation.


  1. Register an account and setup ngrok from: https://ngrok.com/
  2. Run ngrok http 8080, copy forwarding URL https://******.ngrok.io and replace https://PLACEHOLDER.ngrok.io in agent/agent.json
  3. Compress folder agent as agent.zip
  4. Create a new Dialogflow agent: https://dialogflow.cloud.google.com/
  5. In Dialogflow console, Click ⚙️ icon, select Export and Import, RESTORE FROM ZIP and then follow the steps to restore agent by using agent.zip
  6. Run npm install and npm start
  7. In Dialogflow console, click Integrations and then click the link in ...Continue with the integration to open simulator


Scenario 1(ask):

  1. Drinks
  2. Coffee

Scenario 2(ask):

  1. I want to order a 12 inches moonpie pizza
  2. Coke

Scenario 3(ask):

  1. Pizza
  2. Moonpie
  3. 18 inches
  4. Coffee