
This is a document repository for the ZumbaCoding2 class based on Python3


Here is for ZUMBA-CODING2 class. This class is designed for leaders of records field in Korea who are not familiar with computer programming.

Coding experience is very essential to experts of records and archives fields. We will have adventurous time during coding small pieces of program using Python.

In the class, we will discuss what sorts of state-of-the-art technologies are emerging including AI, NLP and Bigdata analytics, which of them we have to adapt into records systems and how level archivists have to learn the knowledge related to the above technologies.

After the course, we may share some prospects for the future surrounding of us.

We need some materials helping coding program and discussing technology. Some of materials here are guides for participants to practice Python3.5 Some other materials are explanation notes for participants to know the basic concepts of computer, bitstream, text analytics and github etc.

All documents are uploaded intending open usages. All documents can be changed by author anytime without notice. Anybody can use them with cite informtion like followings.

"This is cited from "https://github.com/yimjhkr68/Python-for-RecordsFields""

Good luck~!